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wmr 7. dub. 2016 v 0.33 
hi!i want to trade ur heroic item,accept my request pls :steamhappy:
A Wild One Appears 23. zář. 2014 v 17.59 
+ rep sold 10 keys he went first. Quick & cool trader
HundredEyes 26. čvc. 2014 v 15.56 
sir steam offer to, my tory FF pack,
FAKE 5 2. čvc. 2014 v 11.49 
+rep THE best trader!
niske 2. čvc. 2014 v 10.35 
+rep trustful trader
ⓔⓩⓔⓔ.彡 2. čvc. 2014 v 3.24 
go trade?