Some Bug Eyed Neighbor 2 月 3 日 上午 9:17 
Perpetually gaming
Darkgodam 2018 年 12 月 25 日 下午 3:21 
:2015holly: Merry Christmas! :2015holly: :cozybethesda:
Tomokon 2015 年 1 月 19 日 下午 8:16 
What are you doing in mah swamp
Flora 2014 年 12 月 31 日 下午 11:05 
YOU. i still has that grill. i don't have work on Jan 1 so if ya still wanna build the forge thingy then i'm game ^.^
K MOLDY 2014 年 9 月 15 日 下午 8:08 
Let's kill zombies
Spunky McGoo™ 2013 年 6 月 10 日 上午 3:10 
TITAN QUEST! best arpg ever
denmax 2012 年 3 月 2 日 上午 12:50 
You had Tribes Ascend all this time? :|
Casterburg 2011 年 12 月 25 日 上午 8:28 
Merry christmas andy, good luck with your things of such a thing that has some other things in the things!
❤√ḯxεᾔ💕 2011 年 11 月 24 日 上午 10:41 
Casterburg 2011 年 10 月 3 日 上午 5:24 
Şãé ๏̯͡๏ 2011 年 9 月 19 日 下午 8:39 
J Moldy 2011 年 7 月 10 日 下午 2:29 
mr. zoomzoom 2011 年 7 月 6 日 上午 12:36 
So good news is, I think I got KF working. So now I can play. I got your invite the other day but it locked up my lame pc...
SHAAAAARK 2011 年 7 月 3 日 上午 12:35 
Hi :>
Casterburg 2011 年 1 月 20 日 上午 11:07 
what in gods name is a zynthetic?
Avoca 2011 年 1 月 12 日 下午 7:02 
Casterburg 2010 年 12 月 31 日 下午 5:04 
Have a happy new year man! Let's try to make 2011 as great as possible!
denmax 2010 年 12 月 23 日 下午 4:39 
Merry Christmas
K MOLDY 2010 年 12 月 17 日 上午 4:58 
denmax 2010 年 12 月 15 日 下午 10:16 
I has Killing Floor ~ ze
Casterburg 2010 年 12 月 1 日 下午 1:19 
A lot of reasons my friend. A lot of reasons
Avoca 2010 年 11 月 27 日 下午 4:49 
do you have any idea who much work that is? haha. But still, it's possible if you want it enough. I <3 managing
Ѯ Mecha Gandalf☭ 2010 年 11 月 19 日 下午 9:57 
worst 666day ever guys, thanks for playing with me...
Avoca 2010 年 11 月 16 日 上午 10:50 
Would you be interesting in helping me out with if I were to create a brand spanking new tf2 server?
Casterburg 2010 年 11 月 9 日 下午 12:02 
Why in the king james throne are you idling? my minds is exploding becuase of your recent actions :< PS. Nice tough guys touque
Avoca 2010 年 11 月 7 日 下午 10:08 
No need to miss anything man, just create something new. I've been urging to manage a new server..
Bravoteam 2010 年 11 月 2 日 下午 4:35 
Hey its Bravo put a comment on my profile
Şãé ๏̯͡๏ 2010 年 10 月 18 日 下午 7:47 
There are good reasons why I choose to use GNU/Linux over Windows, you know...
Şãé ๏̯͡๏ 2010 年 10 月 17 日 上午 10:28 
What are you talking about? I didn't buy any hats. They're ridiculously expensive. Besides, I already have a harddrive with Windows on it. I just don't like booting into it.
denmax 2010 年 10 月 12 日 上午 5:05 
Whucha talking about? I'm giving my hats, aren't I?

I'm giving it up, and that's it. They don't have to damn like it.

It's like someone offers you a pizza. You may not like it, but hell it's better than nothing to consume. Besides, it has no charge.
denmax 2010 年 10 月 9 日 上午 2:58 
I'm also a fish living in the pacific ocean. See that avatar? That's me.

I meant the pilchard, not the cat. Pacific Ocean is not near Hawaii
denmax 2010 年 9 月 13 日 上午 2:38 
Ѯ Mecha Gandalf☭ 2010 年 8 月 22 日 上午 8:16 
I really couldnt care less about Lost
-TCR- Engin'Ear 2010 年 8 月 7 日 下午 8:22 
the red star is still broken last time i saw it
Rats!Rats!Rats! 2010 年 7 月 29 日 上午 6:09 
and ur BOTTOM link made try to get rid of that page 4ever
denmax 2010 年 7 月 19 日 上午 3:14 
Actually, you just added even MOAR clothing to it.
Ѯ Mecha Gandalf☭ 2010 年 7 月 18 日 上午 8:26 
Not anymore :3
denmax 2010 年 7 月 17 日 下午 7:28 
Ѯ Mecha Gandalf☭ 2010 年 7 月 17 日 上午 11:01 
I will not! >:C *noms the clothes*
denmax 2010 年 7 月 16 日 上午 4:13 
You NEED to be CURED >:C *brings an arsenal of clothing.... FOR WOMEN >:D*
denmax 2010 年 7 月 15 日 上午 3:08 

And you need to be cured >:C
F2Pauling 2010 年 6 月 11 日 下午 9:32 
Ye find yeself in yon dungeon, ye see a flask.
Obvious exits are north, south and Dennis.
Bravoteam 2010 年 6 月 5 日 上午 7:38 
denmax 2010 年 6 月 1 日 上午 12:07 
Almost everytime I almost finish the update, the download servers from their launcher dies. I'll try to experiment with HAVE Thai. If ever Thai is better, I'll tell you. Problem is I don't understand Thai :<, so I have to use Google translate

Try to use Speedtest and locate any Thai / Taiwan servers and check which has better ping for you.
denmax 2010 年 5 月 31 日 下午 10:19 
Hey dewd.. I already figured out what was wrong with the stupid error message in the registration on HAVE TW >:D

It meant that the ID number was used, so I suggest using something stupid like PP22PP22 (repeat until full)

After it confirms that you're registered, press the button located on the right. After that, look for the picture with HAVE in it. It'll take you to another registeration form, prolly for the game

PS: Use IE for registration. Yes, I know. You have to download with Chrome, but you have to register with IE :|

Translation order:
• Username:
• Password:
• Confirm Password:
• In-game Nick:
• Player's Real Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
• Verification code:

After this, press right button, then you're done. The last button leads you to HAVETW website

If ever you skipped the form after registering, try logging in to ggconline.com . Log in form is located at the right. After that, just use this link http://www.ggconline.com/ggc/bank/Have_Free/Member_Free_01.asp
Casterburg 2010 年 5 月 31 日 下午 4:28 
1. You're reading my comment.
2. Now, you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice that I skipped 3.
5. You're checking it now.
6. You're smiling.
7. You're still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that I skipped 9.
11. You're checking it now.
12. You didn't notice that there are only 10 facts!
Şãé ๏̯͡๏ 2010 年 5 月 28 日 下午 3:54 
Being on GTalk isn't enough...?
Mazdingo 2010 年 5 月 24 日 上午 11:25 
Kick ass and take names and hew gum till the day we die!
Ѯ Mecha Gandalf☭ 2010 年 3 月 20 日 上午 10:26 
i like surrealism. :3
Disposable Henchman 2010 年 3 月 20 日 上午 8:05 
what's up with all this anime alias ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?