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Recent reviews by Soki

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154.7 hrs on record (99.5 hrs at review time)
Democracy has won!
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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8.0 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
It's such a unique puzzle game with pseudo-code which can be manipulated and there are many different ways of solving the puzzles. It's hard too but try it out, need to get through every level but it looks like it will take some time!

Posted 2 December, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
22.5 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
I really loved "Song of Horror" so far, i could only play episode 1 and 2 because the other episodes will be released in the near future but after playing through them i cant wait for the next episodes, the game is really awesome.

If you dont have a problem with old fashioned fixed camera angles and you can ignore the fact that the character models arent the most beautiful ones, then you should consider checking it out for some nice spooks. The game has a great atmosphere, nice puzzles and the environments are looking pretty good. The voicing is a bit odd but for a not AAA Game its totally fine!
The threat your facing appears mostly randomized as well as some random events that can happen and i dont know if everything puts you in danger.

There are also fixed events and if you make the wrong choice or inspect the wrong object you could loose your character permanently, problem with that is that you dont always get a hint that this object your about to inspect will kill you.

The story is ok and interesting but nothing new or over the top! I totally recommend the game if you like survival horror games in which your character is helpless and some oldschool point and click adventures. It has some good quality horror in it and its not just a cheap jumpscare galore. Check it out!
Posted 11 November, 2019.
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223.4 hrs on record (50.8 hrs at review time)
There is not a lot to say, its just perfect for VR! If you like Rhythm-Games, you will love this game!
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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6.6 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Keine Worte können dieses Spiel richtig beschreiben, man muss es einfach probieren und selbst entscheiden ob man es mag oder nicht. Sollte es einem gefallen dann gibt es jedoch 3 Begriffe mit denen ich es umschreiben würde: einzigartig, genial und faszinierend.
Die ursprüngliche Mod war bereits ziemlich gut, zu diesem Remake komme ich immer wieder gerne zurück.
Posted 21 October, 2013. Last edited 24 November, 2016.
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25.6 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Wer auf Metroidvania steht und wer kein Problem mit der Steuerung der Belmont's in den alten Castlevania-Games hat, der sollte bei La-Mulana auf jeden Fall zuschlagen! Es gibt viel zu entdecken, viel zum rätseln und nachdenken, ebenso wie viele Bosse und das typische Metroidvania Element: Besondere Objekte (Artefakte) finden um mit den dadurch gewonnenen Fähigkeiten an einer anderen Stelle, wo man bereits war, weiterzukommen und neues zu entdecken. Der Einstieg ist schwer doch sobald man erstmal drin ist, macht es einen riesen Spaß! Es ist jedoch ziemlich schwer und hat so einen leichten Dark Souls Effekt, weil man durch kleine Fehler schnell sterben kann. ^^
Posted 30 August, 2013.
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23.3 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Simpel, grandios und ein extremer Suchtfaktor!^^
Posted 27 December, 2012.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries