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Получено 5 из 37 (14%) достижений:
Личные достижения

Rude Awakening

Complete the opening stage in Mega Man Zero.
Дата получения: 23 июн. 2024 г. в 12:21

I'll Leave This World To You...

Complete Mega Man Zero (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).
Дата получения: 30 авг. 2024 г. в 10:39

Patience Is A Virtue

Listen to all of Andrew's monologues to the end in Mega Man Zero (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).
Дата получения: 30 авг. 2024 г. в 10:51

Permission To Enter

Enter Ciel's room at the base in Mega Man Zero.
Дата получения: 30 авг. 2024 г. в 10:44

Inherited Will

Double Megamerge after inheriting Model Z in Mega Man ZX.
Дата получения: 6 мар в 11:12

Everlasting Red

Complete Mega Man Zero, Zero 2, Zero 3, Zero 4, ZX, and ZX Advent.

Easy Listening

Listen to 3 tracks from each album in the Music Player, then beat any game and listen to its ending theme.

Card Collector

View 30 cards across all six titles in the Gallery, then change the wallpaper to the secret image.


Outrun the ghost for the first time in Z Chaser.

Running The Gauntlet

Complete all stages in Z Chaser (including hidden stage).

Ice Breaker

Destroy the ice dragon summoned with Leviathan's "Spirit of the Ocean" EX Skill in Mega Man Zero.

It's Not Over Yet

Complete Mega Man Zero 2 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

Lookin' Xy!

Obtain the X Form in Mega Man Zero 2.

Going Out With A Bang

Use an EX Skill to score the final hit against any boss in Mega Man Zero 2.

Crab For Dinner Tonight?

Defeat Gazamir in Mega Man Zero 2.

I Am Zero

Complete Mega Man Zero 3 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

Does A Body Good

Obtain all body chips in Mega Man Zero 3.

Cyber Diver

Exit Cyberspace after experiencing it for the first time in Mega Man Zero 3.

Try Growin' That Back!

Cut off Blazin' Flizard's tail in Mega Man Zero 3.

Watch, Zero...

Complete Mega Man Zero 4 (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

Chip Maker

Create a chip by combining collected parts in Mega Man Zero 4.

Crystal Maker

Create an S-Crystal in Mega Man Zero 4.

Towards the Future I Believe In

Complete Mega Man ZX (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

Like Taking Candy From A Baby

Obtain a W Tank in Mega Man ZX.

To the Nines

Obtain all Item B chips in Mega Man ZX.

Laser Surgery

Obtain a biometal with a Lv. 4 victory in Mega Man ZX.

A Chosen Fate

Complete Mega Man ZX Advent (cannot be earned in Casual Scenario Mode).

Can Never Be Too Prepared

Obtain all 4 subtanks in Mega Man ZX Advent.

Pedal to the Medals

Obtain at least one of each bronze, silver, and gold medals in Mega Man ZX Advent.

I Don't Need Biometals

Defeat a boss in Grey's Reploid form or Ashe's Human form in Mega Man ZX Advent.

Скрытых достижений осталось: 7

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