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2 people found this review helpful
30.0 hrs on record
Excelente juego. Comienza lento, pero una vez que consigues algunas mejoras para el movimiento, se vuelve mucho más satisfactorio. Los bosses no son especialmente complicados; la mayor parte de la dificultad está en los escenarios. Si lo ves en oferta no dudes en comprarlo.
Posted 18 August, 2024.
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8.9 hrs on record
La historia es un atentado al bueno gusto pero si te salteas las cinemáticas y vas solo al gameplay es una experiencia increíble. Recomiendo jugarlo en difícil porque el modo normal es muy fácil.
Posted 14 February, 2024.
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19 people found this review helpful
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8.5 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
DA:O is one of the most unique experiences I have ever played. I have always liked RPG games, but very few times have I gotten engaged with the story, world or characters around me. They were simply a way to advance with the gameplay. When I played DA:O for the first time, my perspective changed drastically.

From the start of the character creation, until the end of the story, It feels we are playing a genuine and unique experience to every player. Our class, race and origin story change how we interact with multiple npc's and how certain story events are played.

This type of decision-making directly changes how the game evolves. To the point of not having a complete party in the endgame. Death, betrayal, romances and entire quest lines are different in each run.

The gameplay may feel a bit clunky by today's standards, but the tactic approach to combat gets more satisfying with time. Skill trees uniqueness makes builds feel diverse (at least for the mage) and the spell combination system is much better than the sequels.

I will not speak about the lore, in-game story/lore. DA:O is a journey that deserves to be played and is better if you know nothing about the franchise, something that I wish I could do again.
Posted 21 July, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
24.6 hrs on record (15.0 hrs at review time)
Playing games in the arcade was one of the most beautiful experiences of my childhood. Metal Slug 20 years later, as simple as the game is, still feels fresh and satisfying. It is one of the few games that everyone can enjoy. It could perfectly be an introduction to the videogame media or a challenge for the most tryhard players.
Posted 21 July, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record
I wish I could ♥♥♥♥ a bug.
Posted 18 October, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
680.1 hrs on record (56.4 hrs at review time)
Después de muchos años esperando un simulador oficial, finalmente salio y no decepciono para nada. Si bien carece de mucho contenido PVE y me gustaría poder desactivar más de la mitad de animaciones, es bastante redondo. Tengo mis quejas con el sistema de gemas y me gustaría que sea ilimitado, ya que estamos si me bombardeas de recursos al inicio para después darme miseria en las misiones diarias, déjame guardar cualquier cantidad. Llegue a platino 1 y aun me quedan alrededor de 15k gemas para gastar, de las cuales 5k estan en gift y tengo aproximadamente tres semanas para gastar porque si no, desaparecen. Inviertan bien, compren dolares, Visca Barça Visca Catalunya.
Add me: 521-413-593
Posted 31 January, 2022.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries