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Thành tựu cá nhân

Nascentes Morimur

Promoted to Airman

Lex Talionis

Promoted to Sergeant

Tempus Neminem Manet

Promoted to Master Sergeant

Salva Veritate

Promoted to Lieutenant

Repetitio Est Mater Memoriae

Promoted to First Lieutenant

Inter Caecos Regnat Strabo

Promoted to Captain

Melius Frangi Quam Flecti

Promoted to Major

Suaviter In Modo

Promoted to Colonel

Stercus Accidit

Fail the Prologue

Sine Mora

Destroy everything in the Prologue and remain unharmed

Fortiter Fideliter Feliciter

Promoted to Major General

Dies Irae

Promoted to General of the Air Force