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1 person found this review helpful
313.2 hrs on record (252.4 hrs at review time)
Was it hell before we arrived? Or did it become hell BECAUSE we arrived?

Nominated for game of the year 2024. Just hope they continue to add content like factions and more mission types!
Posted 13 February, 2024. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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1.1 hrs on record
First time I have ever refunded a game due to stuttering.
Tried a few solutions online but nothing removed the stutters. Whenever I enter a new room, it stutters for few seconds.
Played on steam deck.
Posted 31 December, 2023.
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54.9 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
"Just one more run" - pretty much describes this game in a nutshell.
Simple, yet addictive. Loved it!
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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1.0 hrs on record
Really liked the concept. Well worth a go especially since it's free!
Posted 22 November, 2021.
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3,249.7 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If Runescape allowed auto-bots, this game wouldn't exist.

Launch Review:

I'm not really into the whole idle game thing, but I thought I'd give this a go because it reminded me of runescape. Boy was it worth buying:

+ The nostalgic feel of Runescape without all the tedious tasks behind it.
+ Developer is very active on forums. Very helpful and happy to help.
+ Runs extremely well. Not too demanding and can be run in the background or a second screen while playing other games (or working)
+ Intuitive design. Easy to understand how to do things.
+ Lots to do and collect
+ Skills complement each-other in meaningful ways. Often makes you wonder which path is best to take at any given time.
+ Very helpful official wiki to find out specific things.
+ Buying on steam gives premium access on play/app store.
+ Game plays exactly the same on Steam as it does with all other platforms.

- I'm too impatient to wait for future updates!

Other comments:
There's a lot of negativity on the game being published by Jagex (which was a very recent announcement shortly before release).
While I don't really understand much about this or the specifics of the UELA, I personally think that the developer has our best interests at heart and wouldn't just "sell out" after putting this incredible amount of work into this. Considering how active Malcs is (and continues to be) shows dedication to the game and its users. So I don't really have any problems with the game published by Jagex.

Runescape but Idle and feels like you're achieving something without spending 1000s hours walking back and forth to the bank.
Posted 9 June, 2021. Last edited 24 November, 2021.
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0.8 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Let me see laptops I'm interested in buying. Cool for viewing size and ports.

- The one laptop I'm most interested in is not even showcased? (Zephyrus G15) :(
Posted 12 February, 2021.
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16 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Remember all that time you spent building settlements and making homes for the people of the commonwealth?
Remember how you resurrected the minutemen and made them a force to be reckoned with?
Remember how many times you (reluctantly) helped out Preston Garvey when a settlement needed YOUR help?

Well prepare to take a huge dump on all of that, because apparently you just couldn't resist being a bandit.


In all seriousness though, this DLC was so well designed but so terribly executed. The map is so great and it feels detailed, yet there was no real story and the missions are generic "go to location X and kill everyone".

After you 'complete the map', you're told to go back to the commonwealth and start raiding your own settlements.
I mean...i kinda get the appeal of 'becoming a bandit' but shouldn't it be confined to the DLC world rather than going to my other settlements and ruining what I already created?
Sure I have the option of not doing it, but I wanted those precious achievements :P
Plus it's required for the story to continue
Posted 16 December, 2020.
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179.7 hrs on record (65.6 hrs at review time)
Nominated for Outstanding Story Rich Game award.

To be reviewed at a later point in time when I complete it :)
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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122.5 hrs on record
So here's the thing: It's 2020. Covid 19. Made redundant. National lockdown, forcing everyone to stay at home.
I read about Enderal randomly on my feed and figured...why not? I've got nothing much to do anyway.

BEST decision I ever made. This game is incredible.

Skyrim is a great game. However, I didn't enjoy it as much as I wish I could. The open world? Great. The combat? Great. Open world exploration? Great. Graphics? Great! (For it's time at least) Story? meh...

But Enderal does everything Skyrim does, and MUCH MUCH MORE!

+ Story is incredible. I won't say much more than that. Just try it for yourself.
+ The levelling system is different to the Skyrim system. But in my opinion, this was done much better.
+ Difficulty scales well with progression.
+ Soundtrack is great.
+ English voice acting is superb.
+ Many meaningful side quests, that tie in to the main story.
+ Mod support, just like Skyrim. Mods I'd recommend:
1. For those who like fast travel, get the fast travel Mod.
2. Skill point reset. Because we all make mistakes.
3. House over-hall mod, just to make item organisation a lot simpler.

- Dangerous roads. Wolves, Bears and spiders seem to infest the roads everywhere and it's ANNOYING. They jump you way too many times, which really disrupts early game progress.
- Crashes were a regular thing for me.
- Skyrim engine graphics are a bit outdated. I had to do some tinkering to allow 1440p resolution, and even then the game does not allow beyond 60fps.

Just play it. It's totally worth it. The story alone is enough to play the game.
Posted 4 October, 2020. Last edited 5 October, 2020.
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83.8 hrs on record
The developer 'Spiders' is made up of a fairly small studio. They don't have the funds to make everything perfect.
I remember playing one of their first game released: Mars War Logs. The controls were clunky and it didn't particularly look great. But in return the developers used a lot of creativity to tell a great story within a well thought out world.

Greedfall reminds me a lot of that first game I played from these developers. A great game that isn't perfect, simply because the developer did not have the means to make this game perfect.
You'll see a lot of negative points below, but again, take into account that this is a small studio. This is criticism which I hope the developer will use to make a better game in the future.

+ Unique protaganist who is not some 'ruler' or 'warrior'. But instead, an ambassador. You've got the choice of whether you want to take a diplomatic approach or a more aggressive one.
+ World and lore of the game is well thought out and well explained.
+ Voice acting is really well done. I especially liked the female voice for the protaganist. Very fitting for the ambassador role.
+ Monster battles are pretty fun
+ Combat in general is quite satisfying.

- Sneak quests can be a bit of joke at times. You can literally drink a potion to make you 'less visible', to the point where you might as well just walk right through. I think the map design could have been better thought out for these kinds of quests.
- Guns. Are. O. P.
Seriously. If you choose to use guns, you're OP for the entire game.
- Running. All the time. There are a lot of fetch quests. Some of these quests are good become they force you to explore more and run into other characters, BUT I don't really want to run back and forth across the map to deliver messages between different rulers. It's just tiresome. Sometimes the games tries to help you and takes you directly the point you want to go, but this is rare. The side quests need to be more interesting and not just running from point A to point B.
- Story starts off well but gets boring. There are not many choices for the ending. I was expecting a bit more out of it

This is NOT a AAA game. it doesn't have the greatest mechanics or the greatest story (even though it is interesting). But for a small studio, this is quite the achievement. There were a lot of fun moments and the world is well thought out.
Get the game if you're ok with playing the game for it's ideas, rather than expecting a perfect product. Also - support the developers because they have good ideas!
Posted 4 October, 2020.
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