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23 people found this review helpful
61.3 hrs on record (60.8 hrs at review time)
You know that "media literacy is dead" meme? It unironically applies to many people who hate on the ending. I'm not saying it's perfect and that you're wrong if you dislike it but the entire theme and the new mechanic of this game is lies, we don't know what is true and what is a lie so saying this game "invalidates" previous ones is just dumb. We can't even know for sure how much if anything from the ending reveals was true. When they go meta at the end they straight up say that "it doesn't matter if it's fiction because it can still impact the real world" so even if we go with the doomer interpretation of "only DRV3 happened, the rest were fiction in that universe" it still impacted the real world (and let me remind you that all 3 were fictional so the 3rd one taking place in a fictional world where 1 and 2 were fiction doesn't mean the previous ones were "any less real").

And of course all things must come to an end at some point, they ended the storyline with the DR 3 anime but people wanted more danganronpa so they got one more danganronpa game to go with it albeit in a tongue in cheek way pointing out how it'd always be the same, people die, class trial, hope wins.

Also a side note about the ending but I found it funny how they basically reused the ending from the spin off title (ultra despair girls). It made sense there as it wasn't a mainline game so they played into it by rejecting the choice between hope and despair, while here they did the same thing exactly because it's a mainline title so they could break away from the established pattern of hope always winning
Posted 25 January. Last edited 25 January.
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9 people found this review helpful
15.1 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
If I could give a neutral review I'd do it, afterall it is a 20 dollar game (that they already announced DLC for while it is clearly unfinished, some houses straight up are missing walls or collision, you can't enter some places like tents in the military base, performance seems to go down the longer you play) but I'm only really playing it cause I'm doing it with my friends and let's be real, any game, no matter how bad, is way better with friends, even to just laugh at it. Overall this game plays like a mix between an amateur unity project and a roblox tycoon. It for some reason punishes you for engaging with some of its systems.

What is the point of stealing if I'm going to get punished by losing reputation even if no one is there to see me? Why am I not allowed to defend myself and I'm forced to run away or risk losing reputation and gaining wanted level. It gets even better once you do get a wanted level forcing you to leave the game open for up to an HOUR AND 10 MINUTES otherwise if you visit your hideout you risk having it raided and your product stolen. Also commiting any crime refreshes your current timer so if you have 1 minute left of the 30 to lose the "wanted status" and you kill someone that attacked you, guess what, back to 30 it goes.

So the playstyle that is encouraged is to just sit in place, wait for your product to get made then wait for it to get sold by your dealers. If you dare to do something in the mean time you'll lose rep and be locked out of going into your hideout or risk being raided. At best you can go around and sell to random NPCs for barely any profit or rep. Like I said, a roblox tycoon, just wait to progress.

To be clear, I only played the game in coop so I don't know if some of these issues are coop only or not.
Posted 25 August, 2024. Last edited 25 August, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 30 Aug, 2024 @ 5:35am (view response)
2 people found this review helpful
108.2 hrs on record (104.8 hrs at review time)
Edit: For some reason you can't carry over anything to merciless on ng+, even if you beat the game on merciless which is a weird decision. Since we're on pc just start ng+ on hard and use a mod menu to change to merciless lmao.

It's an amazing remake that adds more interactions with party members and expands on their story, really helps flesh out the members of SEES that don't have social links. Also all the social link ranks as well as most if not all events with party members are actually voiced unlike in previous games (and you can't hear that slight compression as you could in previous games).

The only real problem I had was that the lip sync during battle was quite bad, it's always the same animation for like 2-3 randomised voice lines so it did look weird sometimes. Other than that while I wish we got the original VAs the new ones work surprisingly well. They also implemented new music and more modern features like easily accesible fast travel, phone messages and changed how the fusion skills work. Overall it's mostly improvements rather than changes, like making monad more important than a bonus thing at the end or adding something à la fusion skills for all party members.

The only thing they really changed was that one beach scene but, you know, it's current year +8, you can't make that sort of a joke anymore.
Posted 17 May, 2024. Last edited 18 May, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
0.0 hrs on record
Oh no, now new players can purchase the pre-order DLC, how am I going to feel special about myself now.
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
57.7 hrs on record (57.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Nice and relaxing
Posted 24 November, 2023.
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90.0 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
I sure do love having to play on their servers even for single player with the constant possibility of getting disconnected mid heist.
Posted 22 September, 2023.
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32 people found this review helpful
32.4 hrs on record
You know what they say about SJWs, they don't create, only destroy. This game is the perfect example.
Posted 8 July, 2023.
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14.9 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Took you long enough
Posted 12 June, 2022.
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8.8 hrs on record
Serious Sam 4 was fun but this one is even better. While it's a bit on the shorter side I feel like it also helps with the pacing. Kinda reminds me of the first and second encounters with how enjoyable it is.
Posted 7 February, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
83.1 hrs on record (65.2 hrs at review time)
A fun turn based rogue like with satisfying gameplay and early access done right. After playing the demo I got it the first day it became available and really enjoyed coming back every now and then to see what changed.
Posted 3 December, 2021.
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