ROSE of Avalon
Angela   Ephrata, Pennsylvania, United States
Hi, I love to play MMORPG's. I am a 65 year old Woman and I think I play pretty good for a woman my age :D Anyways, I enjoy playing with people of all ages :D

I have always been a Gamer. I thoroughly enjoy playing online games :D

I play a game like 2nd Life . . . it's almost exactly the same. It's in Open Sim & I am on a grid called Alternate Metaverse. If you love 2nd Life, you will love this game even more. Tons of FREEBIES & The land is super duper low compared to 2nd Life & OMG! You get so many prims with your land some people that have come over from Second Life, don't know what to do with all the prims! Come Check it out!

When I am not on AMV I am playing the two games listed below:

I mostly play Guild Wars 2 and R.I.F.T.

Hope to see you online sometime.

I usually go under the name of Passion or Pashion in all the games that I play, so if you see me, don't hesitate to friend me :D