R3LAX //. <
NR   Canada
If you want to trade, just send an offer. Link in more info.

Trade Offer Link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=233109401&token=G3WL_phr
Natacha 2018年5月20日 3時22分 
Hey, I can give bayonet my for all of your csgo sealed graffities (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio
awake 2018年4月13日 5時25分 
guy in my profile gives his skins for everyone for some reason. I got karambit from him lol
Mowgliz 🌴 2018年4月6日 23時08分 
btw sorry for the game I just added u because I wanted to see if you would accept it, have a good day m8
schnogums 2018年3月19日 16時02分 
+rep i love his m4a4 name
Yosh 2016年6月10日 2時34分 
Goodbye $team and Asia! 2016年2月12日 16時03分 
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