Vanne   Malmo, Skane Lan, Sweden
Vanne | 24 | Queer | ⚢ | she/her | Sweden

(1998 - 2022 )
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Aj Zephlyn 22 października 2022 o 18:44 
we may have played only for a few couple of times, but I'll never forget your jolly personality that made me and everyone smile. I received your poop delivery yet I still don't have a poop emoji even till now LOL

I'm sure you're happy like you always do wherever you are. Everyone will never forget you queen :)
Whiteelv 22 sierpnia 2022 o 2:02 
Miss u Q, May you rest in peace.
Mikiwi 13 sierpnia 2022 o 15:55 
..RIP, man. i loved making the vegetable joke with you but to think you're gone now is hella weird and just unthinkable..

i hope you're in a better place than this hellhole..
Nedderick 13 sierpnia 2022 o 14:59 
Rest in peace too one of the most funniest people I've played with
Chrisso 12 sierpnia 2022 o 15:36 
Rest In Peace :(( Miss you so much
Aj Zephlyn 8 czerwca 2022 o 16:39 
I don't have the poop emoji :(