Hilbert-WARing [S] Keys $1.95
Simerg   Ontario, Canada
Please send a trade offer. If not, you MUST explain the specific reason you are adding me. Otherwise, you will be ignored.
Trade Offer Link: http://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=135069707&token=n7xa-wM0

Marketplace.tf Shop: https://marketplace.tf/shop/quantumfieldtheory
My reps : http://backpack.tf/trust/76561198095335435

I have been informed that I may have impersonators. Always be careful of who you are trading with. Check their background with steamrep.tf to make sure. If you have any further concerns, do not hesitate to contact me (by message or friend request).

Generally away from 8 AM - 4 PM on weekdays. Will likely be mostly unavailable for trading during that time.

Steamrep Link: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198095335435
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