Fremhævet illustrationsfremvisning
179 timer spillet
Well, I don't know, but I've been told
Uranium ore's worth more than gold
Sold my Cad', I bought me a Jeep
I've got that bug and I can't sleep
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Well I had talk with the AEC*
And they brought out some maps that looked good to me
And one showed me a spot that he said he knowed
So I straddled my Jeep and headed down the road
I reckon I drove about 100 miles
Down a bumpy road out through the wilds
When all of sudden I bounced to a stop
At the foot of a mountain, didn't have no top
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Well I took my Geiger and I started to climb
Right up to the top where I thought I'd find
A hunk of rock that would make it click
Just like I'd read about Vernon Pick
On the second day, I made the top
And I'm tellin' you, Steve, I was ready to stop
The only clickin' that I heard that day
Was the bones in my back that had gone astray
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Well, you pack up your things
You head out again
Into some unknown spot where nobody's been
You reach the spot where your fortune lies
You find it's been staked by 17 other guys
Well, I ain't kiddin', I ain't gonna quit
That bug's done caught me and I've been bit
So with a Geiger counter and a pick in my hand
I'll keep right on stakin' that government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Uranium fever is spreadin' all around
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land
Uranium fever has done and got me down
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Nylig aktivitet
483 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 9. mar.
83 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 8. mar.
0,4 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 4. mar.
dede 1. feb. kl. 12:54 
maksha 17. jan. kl. 3:25 
Przepis na murzynka:


5 średnich lub większych jajek
2 pełniejsze szklanki mąki pszennej - 360 g
3/4 szklanki cukru - około 170 g (lub trochę więcej)
kostka masła - 200 g
5 łyżek kakao - nie czubate
pół szklanki wody - 125 ml
po płaskiej łyżeczce proszku do pieczenia i sody

Czas przygotowania: 25 minut
Czas pieczenia: 38 minut
Liczba porcji: tortownica średnicy 24-25 cm
ThePolishPerson 22. dec. 2024 kl. 8:17 
ThePolishPerson 18. juli 2024 kl. 8:52 
Leczo to pyszne danie jednogarnkowe, idealne na obiad. Oto przepis:

- 2 cebule
- 3 papryki (różne kolory)
- 2 cukinie
- 4 pomidory
- 200g kiełbasy
- 2 ząbki czosnku
- 2 łyżki oleju
- sól, pieprz, papryka słodka i ostra do smaku

1. Cebule posiekaj, papryki, cukinie i pomidory pokrój w kostkę, a kiełbasę w plasterki.
2. W dużym garnku rozgrzej olej, dodaj cebulę i czosnek, smaż do zeszklenia.
3. Dodaj kiełbasę i smaż przez kilka minut.
4. Dodaj papryki, cukinie i pomidory. Dopraw solą, pieprzem oraz papryką.
5. Duś na małym ogniu pod przykryciem około 20-30 minut, mieszając od czasu do czasu.
6. Podawaj gorące, najlepiej z pieczywem.

ThePolishPerson 27. maj 2024 kl. 13:09 
⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇ Are ya mgr son?
maksha 25. maj 2024 kl. 0:18 
NPC Marcin