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8 people found this review helpful
676.2 hrs on record (563.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
After this Early access, I'm going to list Project Moon as "Developer I'll gladly give money to for an Early Access game." They listened to the community, made changes based on the feedback, and rolled back a major update to fix it because it was so poorly received.

But this isn't a review for the developer.

During Early access, the game honestly never felt bad or too buggy. Imbalanced yeah, but never unplayable, even if my dice almost ALWAYS ROLLED 1 BELOW WHAT THEY NEEDED TO BE. There were a few bugs and one time the game even COTD'd, but these issues were over a long period of time. The game still has about a month left of updates so these issues might be fixed.

The story was honestly what kept me going through all of the punishment. The game, at times, even managed to combine gameplay mechanics with the story to further drive the plot and give more story to the characters. I won't go into too much detail, but this is a dark story, so be prepared for that.

The music is very top tier. As with the gameplay mechanics, if you hear a song by Mili, listen to the lyrics, you'd get even more plot and character detail with it. Also, if you hear a song by Mili, BE VERY AFRAID. The normal, usual, music is also dynamic based on what is going on in the fight. Who has the highest emotion level, what emotion level that team is at, or if something special is happening during the fight. If you get tired of a certain type of music, just use a different floor as each floor has its own combat theme.

The gameplay is RNG reliant, but there are ways that you can tip it in your favor once you got the cards and gear. You build a deck with 9 cards for each librarian on your team and you can have up to 5 librarians on your team, which is dependant on your progress through the main story. You then jump into a battle using books that you obtained from other battles (You always start with a infinite supply of "Books of Something" so you never run out, just increase your grind time), the battle starts with every character rolling initiative to see who attacks first. the enemy plays their cards first, which allows the player to counter what the enemy played. Once you play all your cards, you hit space and the combat actually begins. Whoever has the highest speed gets to attack first and their card's dice is rolled against the target's card and dice if there is a clash. The highest dice roll wins and the winner deals damage to the other. This process is then repeated from the fastest to the slowest. As you might guess, combat ends when one team has completely ran out of HP.

After combat, you are rewarded with books that you can either use to advance the plot or you can burn them to gain cards and gear. Thankfully this is one of the things that was changed in EA and it went from fully random gatcha to a "pool" where you are guaranteed to get items if you burn enough books and don't reset the rewards. If you need more books, you can refight the enemy as many times as you like as long as you have the books needed.

My primary complaint about the game is the imbalance of certain floors and that the game felt like they were adding mechanics as they were going along, which added to the imbalance. Quick play cards are fun to use, but you only get them close to the end of the game. Some of it is understandable, but there are some debuffs that could have been used earlier to help counter some powerful floors like power nullification, heal blocking, and even paralyze was sort of pushed to the back both in player and enemy builds. In general, the strategy is to make your dice roll as high as possible and you win. They were really creative in the end game with how enemies worked. It would have been nice to see that in the early game some as well.

Even with all of that, I say this game is in my top 3 favorite games of all time and wish Project Moon success in their future games.

tl;dr: Game really good. Buy game. Learn the art of the Unga Bunga. I rate this game a Hamhampangpang/Hamhampangpang.
Posted 16 April, 2021.
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12.7 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
I make it a point to replay this game every few months. Not only is it short enough to do so, but the challenge it gives you, especially in the true ending makes you feel like a GOD the first time you beat it. I remember spending every morning before class attempting Hell for two weeks before I finally got the final boss. Memorable characters and a deceivingly cutesy art style with a dark story makes this easily one of my favorite games of all time.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
27.4 hrs on record (22.6 hrs at review time)
You get killed by seagulls.

Poppo needs to be nerfed.

This game ruins friendships more than Mario Party.

The RNG hates you and everything you stand for.

Posted 21 August, 2014.
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