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573.0 hrs on record (569.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A nice little Free2Play Idle game that you can burn a few hours playing or just check once a day. The Rebirth/Prestige system promotes starting over and giving a number of bonuses through Great People. Even checking the game once a day, once you understand how to play and have some GPs in your account you will be able to get all technologies unlocked. The rest of the Achievements are easy enough to get by restarting on each different map. Each map provides different bonuses and GPs, giving different goals and promoting different playstyles. The only DLC gives you an option to color your name in chat and have full selection of all maps.

Learning how to trade enables you to get materials you need from older players who often have the materials on hand and are more than willing to help out. Being able to plan a few days ahead means you can set up trades for materials you need, and by the time you need them there is a good chance the trade will be filled and the materials ready.

The community is very good and helpful, willing to answer beginner questions and later more advanced ones as you reach new technologies and gameplay loops change.
Posted 10 November, 2024.
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29.7 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
**Some spoilers**
Its a Roguelike that plays like a mashup of a Final Fantasy / Dungeons and Dragons game. You make your character, can recruit up to a party of 5. ( 3 at start. )

From the moment you start the game you have free reign to do whatever you want. Want to be a noble hero who does quests killing monsters for the local towns? You can do that. Want to be a dastardly thief who steals everything, or worse kills everything you can? You can do that. Want to be a farmer/fisherman who supplies food for the towns? You can do that. In fact, you can do all of them at the same time in the same playthrough.

Early on you will have some inventory issues as you want/need to collect everything you find on the ground; but with enough time and adventuring experience you get some DnD like bags of holding for holding cooking ingredients, finished meals, and alchemy ingredients. ( They weigh 5 each but you will be carrying more than that in weight anytime you go into a new area and start collecting. )

The game creator is Japanese and outsourced the English translation. Overall its pretty good and very readable, occasional spelling mistakes but nothing so bad that you cant figure out.

Weapons/Armor/Accessories can have a variety of affixes/bonuses/negatives that make each item that drops unique and you will have to figure out what you want and what you need. Upgrades will come eventually and you will have to look at every piece individually to weigh if it is something you want to equip or give to your party members. ( The number at the end [ 0.6, 1.2, etc ] is its general item level, the quality [ poor, average, Exceptional, Best, etc ] combined together with the item level will give you a quick glance at how good something is. The individual stats on the item may be better or worse than something already equipped. There is not currently a 'compare' screen so you must manually look at each piece and flip between to see what changes and what you want. Early on upgrades are straightforward, you start with trash starting adventurer gear and almost any Exceptional piece will be better for a given slot. Once you get a bit further in you will have more options for stat upgrades and your choices become a bit harder.

Remember that this is a Roguelike. If your main character dies that file is over. You will want a Monk as a Healer but everything is very fluid and how you want to play. There are books that will drop to train new skills and abilities, so with enough time any character can probably do anything but the characters stats will determine how good they are at it. In your party you may also want a Rogue for opening locked things and a melee acting as a tank to keep attacks off of your casters; but again the game is very fluid and you may be able to run 5 casters and simply overpower everything you encounter. I wouldnt recommend it but you have the freedom to do it.

There is a relationship system that I have not had much experience with yet. Everyone you meet at first will be Ignore and be standoffish, but with enough time talking and getting to know people and giving gifts the relationships will improve and you will be able to invite people to your party. I have very little experience with this so far but apparently you can have lovers and have children.

For a first release the game is very stable, I have encountered 0 bugs and 0 errors. It could use some polishing and modern features like the equipment compare screen, but as is is very playable and fun. The author is active online and reads Reddit and replies to people suggesting things so I expect we will see updates in the future that expand the current gameplay further. ( People were suggesting harder difficulty mode options and they seemed receptive and interested so we will see what comes )

Overall, a good game, a great initial release. If you are interested in a freeform Roguelike where you have a party of adventurers who go on Dungeons and Dragons, you will enjoy this game. I am not far enough in to speak to its depth and mid/lategame, but I am having fun and am enjoying the experience so far.
Posted 4 May, 2024.
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460.9 hrs on record (350.7 hrs at review time)
I enjoy the game. After 350 hours I am still terrible. Still recommend.
Posted 27 August, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
170.9 hrs on record (170.1 hrs at review time)
AGS is focused more on extending the gameplay without worrying about if the game is actually fun.

1-60 can be a fun leveling experience but the changes keep coming; increasing costs to unreasonable levels for leveling tradeskills.
Posted 1 December, 2021.
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4.6 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
A cute little; well-thought out strategy farming game.

Boiled down to the most simple, you need to grow enough crops to feed your settlers and earn enough coin to keep buying things next year.

4 different stages with a variety of hazards and benefits to discover.

Give it a play because its better than it should be
Posted 7 December, 2020.
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12.2 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Simple and straightforward, its automated and I think the bugs are pretty well worked out.

Better than playing tabletop
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
45.1 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Honestly? A decent CCG with plenty of ways to succeed as Free2Play. Decks/keywords are going to be familiar enough to Magic The Gathering / Hearthstone / Etc players.

Plenty of room to experiment with deck concepts, plenty of spaces to focus on different forms of competitive. Gauntlet+Forge will get you new cards and once you find an archtype that works you can just grind that for a while.

Posted 27 July, 2020.
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248.1 hrs on record (161.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is essentially a very simple 3E-ish adaptation.. But its one of the best Ive ever played.

Its still in development, and has come a long way. More classes and such are supposed to be in the works, currently limited to Fighter / Cleric / Barbarian / Rogue / Wizard, single class no multi.

If you can accept that, though? Its great in an Oregon Trail kind of way - you learn how the story leads you, but every step and choice is yours. Now with crafting of mundane/magic items with drops you find in the world.
Posted 4 March, 2020.
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119.2 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Most of the playerbase and support is gone, but as of Dec 2019 I still get matches fast enough - if youre willing to change to the mech class at low % - its fast. Faction play and arenas seem dead. If they announced any kind of battlepass/other event/continued support now that Mech Warrior 5 is released ( same company, most of the devs were tied up with that. ) So, either they resume support or kill off MWO.
Posted 14 December, 2019.
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10.7 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Free, turn based game with multiple factions to play and extensive modding support.

No reason to not poke around and see if you find a mode/mod you enjoy
Posted 24 September, 2019.
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