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Nylige anmeldelser av Empress Katherine

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1.4 timer totalt
I think this is a good game. I like the audio logs giving context for the story, they sound good. The way you automate stuff is engaging and it feels good to "solve" a room's puzzle.

However, I did not realize quite how much throwing there would be which IS entirely my fault, but it's exhausting and I needed to redo some throws dozens of times because you do need to be pretty accurate to achieve certain goals. You can realistically likely use as many robots as you want but I really wanted to achieve those goals for using under a certain amount for a room.

I know it's not the most descriptive review, but I do recommend it. Just be prepared for a lot of throwing and physical activity. As of writing this review I have only played an hour and a half so I don't know how long the game is, but trying to achieve the goals I mentioned would likely extend the playtime by a good amount.
Publisert 2. februar 2024.
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0.6 timer totalt
I was gifted this by a friend because I loved Payday 2, though I got most of my DLC from when they consolidated a bunch of the DLC at some point (and then removed that?).

This is the stupidest thing. You have to create an account with a service called Nebula to even play the game. It's always online and guess what, the servers have been down all day. You can't even do a private match with your friends because it uses their servers. How does this keep happening with games on day 1? How has nobody learned to combat it? Regardless, I have a special hatred for always online games that very obviously do not need to be online. Give us the option for peer-to-peer or something.

Always online, live services, are almost as big of a bane on the gaming playerbase as microtransactions. It does nothing but give the devs control over how and when you can play their game, and often doesn't help with actual connection/ping issues.

It doesn't help that the Payday devs have a horrible track record of actually listening to fans, and making excessive amounts of DLC with honestly very little content not worth the price.

A majority of the skill trees rely on these temporary buffs you get from doing specific actions reliant on the skills themselves. Some skill trees require a buff that the skill tree doesn't even offer a way to get.

There are a very small amount of guns, only two "heavy" weapons which have their own slot, and an equal amount of masks/paints. The gun customization looks decent at least but I haven't actually been able to play so I haven't unlocked anything. Even from looking around the non-gameplay part of the game I can tell there are going to be dozens of DLC on top of the 4 DLC that have been announced for each quarter of the year after release. This isn't some guess, they have a track record plain as day.

Their previous game, Payday 2, has 81 DLC available for purchase right now.It currently costs $253.23 to buy all of the DLC for Payday 2 without a bundle. The bundles weren't added until much later into the game's life cycle and even then some were removed after a while. Check SteamDB if you don't believe me.

If you had bought all the DLC when they released individually, it would've cost you $462.17
(DISCLAIMER: Some of the prices on SteamDB's pricing history were real wonky and I definitely made some mistakes but most were priced correctly. This is almost definitely off by some amount, but only by around a maximum of $50 I'd say.)

So let me reiterate: A very very large chunk of DLC is just weapon colors, a handful of masks, a handful of guns, or a single heist. They cost $253, and if you had bought them as they came out it would've been SIGNIFICANTLY higher. This is pure greed, plain and simple and yes I believe it back then too. Game companies do not use online service for anything but greed or MMOs, and this is certainly not an MMO.

Look, y'all, you can't just say "it doesn't really affect gameplay" or "go play something else then" for various issues because companies (corporations, not the individual devs) will take your complacency and push the boundaries even more.
Publisert 21. september 2023.
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87.4 timer totalt (86.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Now, this *shouldn't* affect new players and I'm very hesitant to post a review over it. However, it's screwed me over to the point I literally cannot launch it so I feel this is justified, and before you read further know that I tried absolutely every fix I could find online. Somewhere around the time of Odyssey coming out they switched to an account tied to Frontier itself for the game's launcher. Because I purchased before this existed the launcher does not realize I actually own the game since my keys won't link to my Frontier account. My Steam account gets linked, but it won't let me (literally, the website says they're already taken by my Steam account but doesn't recognize them as actually being connected to my Steam account) to link my Steam keys to the account. This in turn results in my inability to get beyond the launcher. It either gives me an "update required" message and never updates, or simply says I do not own the game even though I linked my Steam account, which owns the game.

I usually don't like people posting negative reviews due to personal technical issues but it hasn't negatively affected my gameplay, it's completely stopped my ability to play at all. Literally.

I did enjoy this game when I last played years ago, so if you are looking to buy the game for the first time and don't care about this launcher stuff, go for it. I can't say if Odyssey is worth it because I literally can't play it, lol.
Publisert 21. april 2023.
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En utvikler har svart 22. apr. 2023 kl. 0.15 (vis svar)
11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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21.3 timer totalt
I really loved this game but I can't recommend supporting this developer. The patch notes include vitriol against the mask mandates, trans people, and has some really random stuff that has nothing to do with the game and I don't even know what they're about.

I've played this game for a really long time (on another account) and I'm severely disappointed to witness such hatred. I don't understand why their personal opinions needed to be included in their patch notes, it poisons the enjoyment of this game.
Publisert 26. juli 2022.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
125.8 timer totalt (44.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game may not be a normal RPG, and it is fairly short compared to other games. I got three days out of it, doing everything I could but I likely missed things.

This game is text dialogue, and choices, and skill checks. Combat takes place in the form of skill checks and choices, and I'm unsure if there is more than one "fight." However, the sheer amount of choices is what I love. The choices will generally be versions of certain personalities, and some are hilarious! This game is a wall of text, but the fact that your skills have personalities and talk to you in order to show you thinking is fantastic and makes for such great dialogue.

The game definitely ends in the same place, but the outcome and things that happen along the way are absolutely driven by your choices. I enjoyed this game a lot, highly recommend for anyone who likes character-driven RPGs instead of combat-driven.
Publisert 21. oktober 2019.
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