PoorAsianBoy B > BPs & Unusuals
simon   United States
Just Cashed out, inventory currently empty mostly. Buying Items again! Send em my way!!

Trade offer link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=244980185&token=Cx-hlkmD

Currently Offline
Trading Information and Trust
Note that I don't really play many games on steam so I do not have many hours on Tf2/CSGO (in which are games I trade items in). I'm usually trading while online. This makes impersonation fairly easier and be sure not to fall for them.
Make sure :
/poorasianb0y is my custom ID
Backpack is always public

About Me and Trading

Trade offer link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=244980185&token=Cx-hlkmD

I (PoorAsianBoy) had started trading a while (4 years) back but had not really picked up trading intentions until the beginning of 2015. I am a confident trader and open to ANY suggestions so don't be too scared to offer on items. Unless its a complete lowball and you ignore what my trades says :D

Ironically I also like to lowball on items you can't sell!

If you are adding me:
- Please leave a message either on TF2OUTPOST or my Profile Comments (preferred)

Trade Information :

Trade Offer Link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=244980185&token=Cx-hlkmD

OutPost http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/851721

BackPack.Tf Trusts: http://backpack.tf/trust/76561198081172172

SteamRep Info http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198081172172

Paypal Key/Backpack Trading

Buying Backpacks (Via Paypal)
Any at a good price so hit me up with an offer!
Stock : 2000USD (Can be converted)

Buying (Via Paypal):
1.75 USD - Any CS:GO Case Key
1.6 USD - Team Fortress Standard key

Selling (Via Paypal):
1.99 USD - Any CS:GO Case Key
1.8 USD - Team Fortress Standard Key (Limited time)

Selling (Via Bitcoin):
1.9 USD - Any CS:GO Case Key
1.8 USD - Team Fortress Standard Key

| steamname: PoorAsianBoy
| steam3ID: [U:1:120906444]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:60453222
| steamID64: http://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198081172172
| customURL: http://steamproxy.com/id/poorasianboy
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198081172172


If trading Via PayPal:

You must go first. No exceptions unless you got ♥♥♥♥ ton of rep.
I can refuse a deal if I feel you are shady.
Must be willing to add this note : The item I have payed for has received. This is money owed to that item and I (email) agree to authorize the sending of this money as it is for something I have already received. The total will be (USD). In no situation will I chargeback.
Fees - If I am buying, I will cover fees but not NET FEES - If you are buying, you cover fees

Brokering Information
What is it? - Whatever item you want to sell that you have trouble doing so, I can sell it at a reasonable price. You hand me the item, I sell the item, you get what I sold for. However fee's of my service range in % depends on the amount of profit made. I usually get the job done in 1 week.

Trust link's are in my trading information. Contact me if you need anything brokered!

Trading Achievements

Started with : 150 CAD
Cashed out 2400 CAD
Top 200 most valuable bp's in TF2 and Top 500 in CS:GO
Ended with: I dunno m8

I like meat :P

Invalid for being an "unpunishable offense" but we all know dis ♥♥♥♥♥♥ is a playa :
