Robert Redlorn   Sweden
Some games positively altered my perspective of real life. Most genres have I tried and found enjoyable games within. I enjoy niched, detailed, preferably large mapped games. 4000 letters text below =)

My gamer life began 7 yrs old. OG the Sims n AOE RoR. Before that, games were sporadic;
w splashes of Battletoads, Mario, Zelda n Pokémon Blue n Gold. So many hours w Sims n AOE2 later on.
Then came handheld, GBC n GBA SP (For Screen illumination) discovering Button mashing,
Touch Screen implementation w NDS w different Art styles to compensate hardware limitations.

Every GTA on PS2, w spinoffs Stories games, n Lego games on GBA n NDS,
I cranked every bug n achievement out of them. Gamed w my brother a lot. Blooperdly oversilly n
ragtagging. Played every major Mario n LOTR Co-op game w my family on NGC.
Lastly came delving into Online gaming, w MMO Runescape n Multiplayer GTA IV n Killzone 2.
While Runescape gave a tranquill time w imagined charm,
GTA IV had broken shooting mechanics, which I abused =P.
In Killzone 2 I came up to rank 300 ish out of 1 million players. Because I came up w a unique class
design; -Healing pack w Superspeed as a Bulletsponge Tank w Max damage Revovler w decent aim.

TES IV: Oblivion GOTY came after. How wonderful was the Land of Cyrodiil, w every town having
diffferent Architecture, NPC humanoid races n cultures. Claustrophobic n eerie dungeons...
Oh n the Music, Fantastic n timeless.
Followed up by Skyrim, which in 2011 was Meh.
Later w Mods n better graphics engine (SE) + Graphics Mods -Fantastic.

-Here are some Games that Changed my Feelings n Appreciation of Real Life:

AOE series (Historic military expansion of cultures not superseded until recently)
AOM Titans (1st Serious attempt at making Mythology Fun)
Zelda: Minish Cap (Think 1st game Mixing Tiny people w Real Size people in Open World)
Pokémon Emerald (Maybe 1st game to give Custom Player Home, in OW)
GTA: San Andreas (1st OW w 3 cities, many towns n Countryside)
GTA IV (1st Physics based n realism achieving OW)
TES IV: Oblivion GOTY (Up until recently, the most Medieval 1st/ 3rd person OW)
Skyrim (1st OW game based on Viking n Celtic Mythology)
-Gap Explained Below*.
Assassins Creed Unity (Games finally had realistic faces, w Lighting, n the Parkour)
Assassins Creed Origins (Finally an ARPG about Ancient times, with hitbox combat)
Horizon Zero Dawn (1st Game to make an Interesting Sci-Fi Post-Apo story n World)
HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed, Smalland (1st GameS to Feel the Beauty n Scale of Tiny)
Total War 2013-2023 (Attention to detail in Historic army warfare unprecedented)
Ara: Histoty Untold (Most Anthropologically detailed game)
Empire of the Ants (Finally getting appreciation of insects in gaming)
-Late Nintendo Switch Exclusives (Rejoice, the Nintendo characters are packed w Feel Good
Art n Color w detailed environments n New gameplay innovations)

-PS! Youtube suggestions n Similar Games Like sections in Steam,
Steam Festivals, PS store Themed Sales made me discover
more Gems than Websites Listing games.

Since Aug 2024 am I Currently developing My Own Game! =D
Currently Offline