chabiu 1 Απρ 2020, 18:51 
i dont have friends becuause you commented cheater on my profile :((((((((((((
Joseph Vissarionovich 3 Ιαν 2020, 9:23 
Banditu_22YT 2 Φεβ 2018, 1:49 
DISASTER 24 Φεβ 2017, 18:25 
oke hahaha XDD
PerykoO 27 Απρ 2016, 8:33 
Naaa xd
”kINHERA” 27 Απρ 2016, 7:19 
You are the tazer ?
PerykoO 27 Απρ 2016, 7:13 
Tazer :)
”kINHERA” 21 Απρ 2016, 11:05 
Hi, is it you on your profile's picture ?