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Publicada: 14/jan./2023 às 19:58
Atualizada: 13 de jan. às 14:34

I won 19 times in Warzone in the first couple of weeks using my poor little laptop. At first, the game was very fun and something fresh. It required more skill and strategy than it does now. It was more hardcore and tactical. As time went by, they did sth to the game and now it runs less smoothly. Then they added a series of changes due to the complaints of noobs, streamers-cheaters, making it look more and more like the original Warzone. They added the ability to purchase loadouts, and as a result perks, and then they halved the price of the weapons you buy from buy stations. The loadouts also drop earlier the before. Now, everyone has a weapon, let alone a loadout. The strategy and the effort you and your teammates needed to put in order to survive, gather the resources and buy one or two weapons for every member in your team, (NOT A LOADOUT WITH PERKS), is now gone. There's no rewarding in that now. Next thing you know, they'll add slide/cancel again and the unlimited UAV abuse. The game went from an exciting, intense, tactical-survival game to the same ♥♥♥♥ the original Warzone was. It was good while it lasted. Back to the best FPS game of all times, Counter-Strike.

EDIT: Just when you thought they didn't respect you. They released the 2nd season and guess what? They reset all stats. All the wins, all the grinding you did for 4 months is gone. You start from zero, like you've never won, same as a person who will play the game for the 1st time today. Outrageous!

EDIT: Season 3: The game is unplayable now. Especially the big map. It runs with 41 fps. A few months ago, i was playing with 74 fps at worst! Just like I predicted, the updates made the game harder for a computer to handle and you need a super PC, worth thousands of euros to be able to play with dignity.

The devs are incapable of making a good game, both in terms of gameplay and playability (how your system is able to run it). THE ONLY REASON I keep trying to play it is because of my friends. I don't want to leave them alone. So I tweak the resolutions, settings by adjusting the game files, just to make the game playable at least, never mind the way it looks and the graphics.

EDIT: It's 2025 and COD now has sharks, cats, aliens, demons, WWE Superstars, little cartoon girls and other weired stuff running around killing you. It's like fortnite now. If this wasn't enough, new COD Black Ops 6 has introduced a new clownish thing that allows you to dive sideways, backwards or turn around mid-air 360 degrees, breaking your waist while shooting people. All that while diving off the 3rd floor without dying or lose accuracy. Warzone and cod 2025 turned you into spiderman. Absolutely disgusting. They call this thing realistic FPS Military War game, when in reality it's a zoo. Every time my friends call me to play this thing, I feel like I'm getting tortured in hell. Unplayable. Never buying anything from them, ever again.
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