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2.9 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
GOTY 2024
Posted 19 November, 2024.
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47.5 hrs on record (35.7 hrs at review time)
I'm making this rewview again.

lets start with the good things in this game.

- Story
- Combat
- Mechanics
- Completionist

Now lets quick review the bad things.

- The classes variety is just ♥♥♥♥ (i will back in this topic later)
- At some point you might be obliged to grind hard as ♥♥♥♥

Now, the reasons why i giving this bad review. (might be a spoiler)

In resume before i present the reasons why i recommend this game.

This games starts fresh, good, with a good progression to throw you in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ touhou anomaly where you learn how ALL skills/builds besides 2handed are just ♥♥♥♥ and take away all your healing/barrier

At start, i made the completionist on normal difficulty, with a 2 handed build, i just went to bosses, take barrier, and go Boom with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high damage on them. It still VERY VERRY hard to do that, because the last section of the game the difficulty raises to 200% at least.

So lets go deep in that variety of classes thing and this goes specificaly on the HARD MODE. This game has a SERIOUS problem with builds, for the end game (true eding), two last bosses, you will HAVE to take all the build you made along of 40 hours farming, grind to the TRASH and take the 2 Handed build, because is the ONLY BUILD you can hit those 2 last bosses fairly when they give you oportunitty to do that, because those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ don't stop at ANY TIME, they just keep spamming skills ALL THE FIGHT Non stopable, so the Potion and the Barrier is a thing that can make the first of the 2 final bosses viable. After hours of learning the patterns and making a miracle (wich you can do in another builds) you will get to the final boss and MAN, THAT MOMENT, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY ♥♥♥♥♥♥!

Forget all you builded in your character before, forget barrier and potions because this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will heals 2/3 times before the fight REAL start, and if you try to use barrier, he will steal the barrier from you, if you use Potion he will BREAK your potions and you cannot heal AT ALL and that FINAL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU STAND NO CHANCE in HARCORE with other build other than 2 Handed because is the only build you can have a small oportunity to take 1/20 of his health while he's spamming everything he can, and MAN, this is where the ♥♥♥♥ is.

If u have to guess, seem's that the dev team didin't even tested this in HARDCORE because it's impossible to do so with other build than 2 handed because you get no better weapons and there's no way you can farm leves to make the fight a bit even fair, even with 2 handed builds. You can search along the internet and man, i still didin't see anyone beat that guy in hardcore with other build than 2 handed.

So, how the devs announced to fix this?

- Nerf a little that boss so you can have some windows of oportunity to damage him? WRONG
- Buff other classes/buffs making they usefull (because 80% of the skills in this game seems USELESS)? WRONG
- Making Leveling up your character easyer so you can grind levels for make the fight more viable? WRONG
- Making a Master Mode where they will change little bit of this potion and barrier thing? YES

So by all that, just stays away from this game. And if you try to do the hardcorde mode how it is actualy? Good luck for you, i WARNED YOU!
Posted 16 April, 2024. Last edited 14 May, 2024.
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0.5 hrs on record
Olha, vou falar. Mesmo de graça. Ta caro.
Posted 1 March, 2024.
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47.2 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fazia anos q algum jogo n me divertia tanto com os amigos ou me fazer ter cagaço de um bixo correndo atrás de mim no escuro.
Posted 4 December, 2023.
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117.7 hrs on record (93.1 hrs at review time)
Cassino de cartinha
Posted 23 May, 2023.
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13.2 hrs on record
No começo para um jogo muito bom. Mas não... Só não...
Posted 31 December, 2021.
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25.2 hrs on record (24.3 hrs at review time)
Vou fazer uma review nada profissional e bem pessoal.

Vamos la. Alguns pontos:

- Odeio ficar travado em Metroidvania
- Odeio que o jogo me pressione a fazer algo

Agora ao jogo.

Simplesmente um dos melhores metroidvanias que eu joguei.

Eu zerei esse jogo e simplesmente me deu vontade de explorar o mapa todo, a lore e tudo que esse jogo tem a oferecer.

No começo você vai estranhar alguams mecânicas q o jogo tem. E nisso você tem até a opções de desativalas.

Mas eu digo: Jogue, se você ver que vai gostar do jogo, só vai!

Paguei full price. Não me arrependo. Valeu cada CENTAVO!
Posted 16 October, 2021.
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226.9 hrs on record (107.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 27 January, 2016.
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125.5 hrs on record
What can i say?

This game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazin.

But still there is SO MUCH wasted potential. It could be SO MUCH MORE!

And i'm not kidding. I love this game, but is so much wasted potential.
Posted 7 April, 2015. Last edited 24 June, 2023.
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299.1 hrs on record (97.9 hrs at review time)
Um dos melhores, se possível o melhor do gênero
Posted 18 January, 2015.
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