:GasGiant:Physics student, :engi:Master Engineer Elite, :2016imnotcrying:cat collector and a free ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ human being, finally...:abs_happy:
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Storm Ryders [Rydr] - Guns of Icarus Online Clan
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I am not desperate in the slightest.
Looking for a gamer girl in the central coast region of Israel, that like cats and possibly has interest in physics, chemistry or computer science.

Worth a shot.
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Allien Voice Pack! Including Famous Sayings Such As ' ' For a sample, find a completly soundproof room and listen
Оцінок: 393
Стан: Розглядається, Автор(и): The Eve of our misfortune
Остання активність
37 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 16 берез.
3 715 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 16 берез.
100 оч. досвіду
7,1 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 16 берез.
Ayetach 5 лип. 2019 о 15:35 
>Insert clever gamer girl looking for desperate computer geologist supergod text here< :*
JakE 18 трав. 2019 о 7:02 
Hi cutiepie, Im a gamer girl that likes cats and mildly desperate computer science guys. My hobbies are playing poker with somalian pirates, swiping left on tinder and growing cucumbers.

If you wanna share a peanutbutter-jelly sandwich sometime hit me up
bupu 14 трав. 2017 о 10:46 
im a 26 year old man from the uk who has dogs but ill eat your ass like no other :cocochan3:
Skrimskraw 23 груд. 2015 о 12:35 
I am a man pretending to be jewish, but i am sweet and loyal. pliz contact for newdz
SegaGenesis64 22 груд. 2015 о 14:50 
f/24/USA I'm an older gaymer girl looking for a nice Israeli/Polish sir maybe younger, maybe likes cats, maybe is a little desperate
Lasall 22 груд. 2015 о 14:49 
I am a gamer girl in central Europe, but I'm still interested in an online relationship or maybe holiday trip together.