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Ulasan terkini oleh MR.POTATO

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 104 kiriman
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Tercatat 9.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
As my first Conquest of Elysium game this is amazing:

One of my favorite parts that diverges from this genre (games like stellaris and Warhammer Total War) is that it focuses very little on settlement or colony management and more on building armies strategically to take out random spawn AI and AI factions. This makes your games take as little as 10-30 min or as long as 4 hours or more. You simply ago to a tile take the location then just have to manage defending it from AI

Another cool thing is the amount of classes. There are tons of classes with tons of content each. Some of them like the high cultist focus more on a fast paced game like rushing the enemy settlements to get some sacrifices then summoning an army of sea monsters to fight for you

Other classes are more slow paced like the demonologist who takes a while to get the sacrifices you need to reach super powerful spells but when you do reach it you summon high rank demons and monster to fight for you

Another massive thing I love is the pacing of the AI. On the default jester difficulty you can learn the game skip tons of rounds to get more resources and it doesnt set you at a missive disadvantage. Where in other games each round is a precious resource that you need to make the most of to come out on top. Even on these games lower difficulties it follows this same idea

Finally the concept of different planes is super cool. My biggest issue with these planes is that people have said the only reason to go there is to kill the random spawn AI and get a few more resources. Still though being able to spread your empire to different planes to get resources and kill things is dope. Im not super far into it but im sure some of the planes hold some cool things that give good advanteges

Overall this game is pretty dope
Diposting pada 2 Maret.
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Tercatat 1.5 jam
Cool little game
PSA its not a endless digging sim unfortunately, the game ends at -100m. Took me less than an hour to finish the game and like 30 min of messing around after I finished it. Should add a endless digging mode with more op upgrades, different layers of earth, etc.
Diposting pada 17 Februari.
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Tercatat 18.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 18.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
COD HQ wont launch. Just goes from playing to not playing

Also why the ♥♥♥♥ is COD HQ a thing? So stupid and confusing

Trash game trash company ♥♥♥♥ Microsoft and you got me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up if you think im gonna drop a single cent more on a cod game. I can proudly say last time I did was cold war
Diposting pada 17 Januari.
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Tercatat 31.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 12.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
(in my experience) No bugs, no op enemies, no issues. Bosses arent spongy youre just mad you cant kill it in under a minute. They dont do too much damage youre just bad at using the space bar key. Approach this game like a souls game and itll be a lot more fun as far as bosses go. glhf
Diposting pada 15 Desember 2024.
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Tercatat 18.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Haters gotta hate bc their brains are the size of pebbles lmao:
1. This isnt overwatch movement speed is just fine youre not meant to dodge enemies attacks and bullets. If ur support maybe dont play front line bc then you cant run away if it goes bad lol
2. sniping isnt op youre just bad at threat management and people are insane at sniping
3. ITS A FREE GAME why are some of yall reviewing it like you dropped $20 on it and it having issues is affecting you?
4. On the note of issues I havent seen a single bug or genuine issue. Ive only played for 3 hours but with how many neg reviews are being dropped because of them I feel like I woulda seen one by now
5. It runs perfectly fine on my PC 3060, 32 gig ram, i7
6. Out of all the characters ive tried which Ive tried quiet a few none of them are super OP compared to others. Some are harder to play which are ranked on a 1-5 star difficulty system, that being said just because you dont get good damage or healing from holding M1 maybe its because they have abilities that their whole playstyle hinge on
7. People complain about the voice lines is crazy, bro they literally tell you important info like ults, hp, where enemies are, and also just random fluff. They are so easy to zone out who is focusing on voice lines when youre in a fight and getting annoyed by them on top of that, at that point you might be on the spectrum and this game aint for you

If anything the only genuinely OP character is the shark. His ult lets him swallow up a large area then spit them out anywhere. On these maps where a ledge or spawn door is always close and considering every game mode is about sitting on a objective his ult essentially punishes you for playing obj. My teams been swallowed by him spit off a ledge and lost the game because of it maybe 5 times now lol

Heres a lot of peoples issue with "balancing;" giving characters movement abilities. Like spiderman being able to swing around then kill you relatively quickly. That makes people salty asf because if they are support or sniper you just get easily taken out by a spiderman while your team doesnt even know the enemy team has a spider man. It just makes people salty but thats the whole point of the character to get behind enemy lines and deal with the so called OP snipers (skill issue).

Anyways yall some two face goof ball donuts

All in all this game has launched in a 100x better state than most games now-a-days and yet people still complain. Obviously there may be balancing issues but it just dropped calm ur tiddies but honestly I really doubt there are youre just good or bad with a character.
Diposting pada 8 Desember 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 8 Desember 2024.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
Im all for the cod hate train this is super deserved
Diposting pada 20 November 2024.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
Good size not 70% running 30% playing
Fun challenge with the cold, food, and water situation
Pretty good modded

That being said ngl the price is steep for what it offers. Probably should be 15$ imo but still pretty fun
Diposting pada 6 November 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 6 November 2024.
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Tercatat 241.2 jam
Ubi account with two factor got hacked. Ubi said they cant do anything. Going through a process with a third party to retrieve my account and its 50/50 if i get it back. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ubi you are absolute trash

I got my account back after 3 weeks... Took a long time, I submitted 3 different requests AND if i wrote all the stupid sht ubi did (like sending me the same email over and over after I respond to it) this would be a essay. Game is fun but ubi is trash so this review will stay even though ill still play and enjoy the game
Diposting pada 7 September 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 9 September 2024.
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Tercatat 6.3 jam
A game I play when Im overwhelmed by life. Its kinda a safe place for me. Ive had many deep and serious conversations with people I used to love and people I still love while playing this in the background. Good memories. Thank you Grizzly Games
Diposting pada 3 September 2024.
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Tercatat 0.9 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
Fun game but:
-Balancing isnt even a after thought in this game (one shot builds that are cheap and can demolish super expensive builds)
-Devs supposedly censor criticism
-Imo overpriced at $30
-AntiCheat uninstaller doesnt uninstall the anticheat with the game meaning its still on your system even after unistall (some care more than others)
-Getting paired up with people in the hundreds (level wise) as a level 10
-Combat is boring to me. Either combat is way too spongie or combat is way to quick (basically a sponge battle or a 2 tap battle and usually you arent doing the 2 tapping).

Overall its fun but im not a huge fan personally
Diposting pada 27 Agustus 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 29 Agustus 2024.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 104 kiriman