Paleski   Romania
April 10, 1972. Thank God for the rain which has helped wash the garbage and trash off the sidewalks. I'm working a single now, which means stretch-shifts, six to six, sometimes six to eight in the a.m., six days a week.It's a hustle, but it keeps me busy. I can take in three to threefifty a week, more with skims. I work the whole city, up, down, don't make no difference to me - does to some. Some won't take spooks - Hell, don't make no difference to me.

They're all animals anyway. All the animals come out at night: ♥♥♥♥♥♥, skunk ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal.

Someday a real rain will come and
wash all this scum off the streets.

Twelve hours of work and I still cannot sleep. The days dwindle on forever and do not end. All my life needed was a sense of direction, a sense of someplace to go. I do not believe one should devote his life to morbid self attention, but should become a person like other people.

May 8, 1972. My life has taken another turn again. The days move along with regularity... ... one day indistinguishable from the next, a long continuous chain, then suddenly - there is a change.

May 29, 1972. I must get in shape.Too much sitting has ruined my body. Twenty-five push-ups each morning, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred knee-bends. I have quit smoking.Total organization is necessary.Every muscle must be tight.

My whole life has pointed in one direction. I see that now. There never has been any choice for me. Loneliness has followed me all my life. The life of loneliness pursues me wherever I go: in bars, cars, coffee shops, theaters, stores, sidewalks. There is no escape. I am God's lonely man.

I am not a fool. I will no longer fool myself. I will no longer let myself fall apart, become a joke and object of ridicule. I know there is no longer any hope. I cannot continue this hollow, empty fight. I must sleep. What hope is there for me?
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Bocian 4 Mar @ 8:55am 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid:steamfacepalm:
TreeofPurple 3 Mar @ 2:41pm 
+rep very friendly gamer !
Железяка222 19 Feb @ 11:01am 
vмаленький сынок тайской ♥♥♥♥♥
Satanette 31 Mar, 2023 @ 10:32am 
Doar eu și 💕taticul meu💕, când ieșim mi s-a făcut destul de foame🍆 așa că am început să fac bofă 😞 A întrebat dacă nu sunt ⬇pentru ceva delicios 😍🍆 și am întrebat ce și mi-a spus că îmi va da 💦cummies!💦 Da! Da!💕💦 Le beau!💦 Le inghit!💦 Le înghit întregi💦 😍 Îl face pe 💘tati💘 😊 fericit😊 așa că este singurul meu obiectiv... 💕💦😫Tata mai greu! Tati mai greu! 😫💦💕 1 cummy💦, 2 cummy💦💦, 3 cummy💦💦💦, 4💦💦💦💦 Sunt a lui 💘 tati💘 👑, dar și eu sunt o prințesă! 💟 Mă face să mă simt moale💗! Mă face să mă simt bine💜! 💘💘💘Ma face sa simt tot ce ar trebui o fetita!~ 💘💘💘 👑💦💘Wa-Ce!💘💦👑
Satanette 31 Mar, 2023 @ 10:29am 
închide-ți guma de mestecat mut prost ton de piele os de pui google chrome fără ♥♥♥♥ flip telefon con de înghețată lepădat gnom de grădină cromozom suplimentar metronom dimmadome genom plin monocrom împrumut student indiana jones peste crescut piatră de cremene X și Y Cromozom prieten zome sylvester stalone zona sierra friend zone văzut profesional argint patrone fund cu cap mare SUS
iniar 10 Jan, 2023 @ 12:30pm 
Сегодня день геев, Солнышко! Я тебя обожаю, с тобой приятно общаться! Ты супер! Разошли это 8 геям... Мне не нужно!!! И сегодня тебя ждет приятный сюрприз, разорвешь этот круг - я разорву тебе очко) Люблю тебя!!!)))