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Devil May Cry 5
Review Showcase
This review is pretty late after game release, but I have to share my opinion. My first encounter with this game was when I was watching one twitch streamer. I bought the 1and 2 game but I never played. After 4 months I decided to gave this trilogy a try and I was amazed. Mutant who is killing monsters and seducing sorceresses. Best combination I have ever seen so far. Witcher 3 was really special. Not only with its next-gen graphics which still looks amazing today but also with story. This is first game that made me literally cry. Twice. The whole atmosphere, combat system, story, characters, visual apperance, bossfights and all other things are amazing. Game also has great 2 DLCs which are better than most of today´s main games. In first you help some kind of devil help to fullfill wishes of guy called Olgierd Von Everec (David Beckham) and in second you help duchess find her sister while fighting vampires. If there´s any game which made me: laugh,
happy, sad, angry and even horny, then it´s Witcher 3. Best spent 180 hours of my life. I can only recommend.
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30 hrs on record
last played on 6 Mar
93 hrs on record
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12.4 hrs on record
last played on 10 Feb
BUFF 21 Sep, 2023 @ 11:41pm 
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Lesohorár 12 Nov, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque non ipsum sed semper. Ut in tempor nunc. Vestibulum fermentum at neque ut blandit. Mauris mollis commodo libero vel placerat. Aenean facilisis tempor diam, vel cursus erat facilisis vel. Quisque pretium sem vel auctor rutrum. Curabitur lorem sapien, cursus eu sapien ultrices, ullamcorper sodales turpis. Sed sed odio vel nunc sagittis ultricies. Donec malesuada dui ut turpis vulputate, id tristique odio faucibus.
zius 9 Nov, 2021 @ 12:44pm 
Čauko, nemal by si záujem o spoluprácu? Otváram mäsiareň.. moja predstava je že by sme ti poslali sekáč na mäso a nožík, k tomu aj mäsiarsky oblek a urobil by si krátke video kde by si so sekačom a nožíkom v ruke spieval “Dobre mäsko, nemá Tesco, dobré mäsko máme MY!!!”.... Samozrejme za odmenu: dali by sme ti 50 eurovy kupón na mäso... Máme kvalitné poľské mäso
zius 9 Nov, 2021 @ 12:43pm 
冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦 冰淇淋 🥶 🍦
simonix333 9 Nov, 2021 @ 12:07pm 
zius 9 Nov, 2021 @ 8:44am 
0:36●━━━━━━─────── 4:32 ⇆ㅤSUCKING DICKㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤㅤㅤ↻