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1,027.9 hrs on record (376.8 hrs at review time)
The Perfect All Round Star Wars Game
Have you ever wanted to play a Star Wars game set in the universe of those awesome trailers? I'll bet you have. Have you ever wanted to play a Star Wars game where the story adapts to your choices and isn't on rails? I'll bet you have. Have you ever wanted to play a Star Wars game that tells not just 1, but 8 awesome stories ranging from the heroic Jedi Knight to the deceptive Imperial Agent. SWTOR contains some of the best storytelling in all of Star Wars, and the best part, it is 100% FREE! Now there is a subscription model to this game, however it isn't at all like other MMO's, you can still play all 8 of the class stories up to level 50 without dropping a dime, and with each of these being around 25-30 hours long, you are looking at well over 200 hours of incredible Star Wars storytelling, and by that point. You will probably be okay with dropping a one month subscription, and if your not, you haven't spent any money.

Those Lackluster Graphics and Gameplay
When I try and get my friends to play SWTOR a lot of them usually give up in the first half hour or so simply because the game doesn't look and play like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, don't come into this expecting that. You will be dissapointed. What you do get is a relatively standard tab targeting combat system which flows very well compared to most other MMO's, you really feel the weight of your attacks. I can't speak much for the graphics because they aren't anything to write home about, but its very easy to look past them once you get into the game.

I guess what I am trying to say is that SWTOR is an incredible Star Wars experience that anyone in the fandom can enjoy, it is 100% is worth giving a shot, and will cost you nothing but your time, and a bit of patience.

Have fun gaming folks, and may the force be with you.
Posted 26 February, 2022. Last edited 1 July, 2022.
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74.8 hrs on record (63.8 hrs at review time)
Welcome to the madhouse Batman! I set a trap, and you sprung it gloriously!!!

What can I say about this game that hasn't been said before, it's amazing. I first played this game back in 2010 and it was just the coolest thing, being able to play my favourite superhero in a way that wasn't gimmicky or childish was something I hadn't ever seen before and wow does it still hold up to this day. As a longtime Batman fan some could call me a bit bias on my thoughts and interpretation of this game, however with nine 100% playthrough's of it under my belt I think I have a fairly good idea on the quality of 'Batman: Arkham Asylum'.

The Story
Arkham Asylum's story is something that could be taken straight out of a comic book, in fact to an extent it actually is, there are several apparent parallels between Rocksteady's 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' and the 1989 comic 'Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth'. The main plot of the game is relatively simple, the Joker and his crew have come up with a masterful plan to foil the Dark Knight, he lays out a trap that Batman will inevitably spring, that results in all patients and inmates on Arkham Island to let loose. Among them are some of Batman's greatest foes like Bane, Poison Ivy and Scarecrow. Now its much more complex than that but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't played it.

The Gameplay
The gameplay of Arkham Asylum was a complete game changer and revolutionised how combat mechanics in video games would be designed for all games after. Whilst some could argue that it took these mechanics from the Spider-man games of the early 2000s the design was perfected in Asylum and really given its full potential. Fighting enemies truly makes you feel like the Batman, leaping from enemy to enemy taking them all down in a quick succession is something you would come to expect from the Dark Knight. However the Arkham franchise is also heavily known for its stealth sections also known as the "predator" sections, where Batman will grapple from gargoyle to gargoyle slowly hunting and taking down his prey, whilst these sections can be hard to master and often time consuming, once you get good at them they are usually the most fun part of the game. The only real drawback in terms of gameplay mechanics are the god awful boss fights, which can get very very repetitive, and once you've fought one titan inmate you've fought then all, the only real standout boss fights in this game are the scarecrow sections, which are incredibly creative and unique. Overall the gameplay is incredibly solid and super fun.

Map & Atmosphere
Arguably one of the most important aspects of Arkham Asylum is its map and atmosphere, it is by a large stretch the smallest map in the series but by no means does that degrade its quality. The chilling and creepy atmosphere given to you by simply wandering around the corridors of the Asylum truly are amazing, the outstanding soundtrack of this game plays along perfectly with the story and gameplay. These fundamental elements are much more important in Asylum compared to City and Knight because of its more compact setting and scenery. In other games you are often gliding your way around the entire map, very rarely touching the ground, and whist that is super fun, it isn't present here. Meaning Asylum needs to rely heavily on its atmosphere, and oh how it does this perfectly. This is truly made apparent when the Lunatics are let loose, and show the real terrifying horrors of insanity. I remember when I was 7 and first played this game they absolutely terrified me, that along with the Killer Croc sewer section genuinely made this feel like a horror game where you play get to experience being the predator and prey. These small little aspects all contributed heavily to the overall feel and enjoyment you have when your playing this game, and the real focus on insanity and what truly makes a man, a man are what take this game from a great game, to a masterpiece.

As you can probably tell I am a MASSIVE fan of Arkham Asylum and love almost every aspect of this game, few games have ever brought me such enjoyment, but now onto the question of whether or not YOU will enjoy Batman; Arkham Asylum as much as I do. Long story short, yes absolutely, almost every aspect of this game is top tier (aside from boss battles) and it really shows, considering this game was realised in 2009 it holds up incredibly well and will remain to be one of the best superhero games ever made.

Just want to say a quick thank you to whoever read this far, hell I'm tired and its my review, so if you did and are reading this, then let me what you thought of Arkham Asylum. Do you love it? Hate it? Or is it not really your thing? Either way, let me know!

Final Verdict - 9.5/10
Posted 6 August, 2020. Last edited 18 August, 2020.
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159.0 hrs on record (115.7 hrs at review time)
I have an interesting relationship with LOTRO, the game itself was the first MMORPG I played and set the standard for all others for me. Though many complain about its "pay to win" design, I found myself 100 hours into the game before I ran out of quests to complete. By that time you will know if this game is worth spending money on and if you make it that far the answer will probably be yes. This is the best Lord of the Rings game on the market right now and it happens to be absolutely free, so if you like LOTR there is no excuse to not give this game a try.

7/10 - Whilst not for everyone I found myself completely in love with Lord of the Rings Online for several months, and if your like me and love the realm of Middle Earth you should certainly give this one a go.
Posted 8 July, 2020.
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177.2 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
Batman Arkham City has been my favourite Superhero game since its release in 2011, with its fluent combat system, talented voice acting, amazingly detailed map, engaging side quests and kick ass story Arkham City is an incredible gaming experience and really makes you feel like Batman. This game is an absolute MUST buy for any Batman fan and will provide you with an experience like no other.

10/10 - Batman Arkham City is a Masterpiece that any gamer should have in their collection.
Posted 31 May, 2020. Last edited 8 July, 2020.
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1,212.6 hrs on record (138.2 hrs at review time)
If you told me a few years ago that one of my all time favorite game series would be playable on PC I would of lost my s**t. Halo: The Master Chief Collection is filled with some of the best quality games on Xbox and are all made even better on PC, with newly updated graphics. However there are several bugs and issues that are yet to be fixed but they do not break the experience.

9.5.10 - Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a must have for any fan of the franchise or new players looking to have some timeless fun.
Posted 23 May, 2020. Last edited 25 July, 2020.
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547.2 hrs on record (70.1 hrs at review time)
Grand Theft Auto V has recently blown up on PC due to becoming free on the Epic Games store, and whilst many could say that is a good thing, it really has had a worse impact on the game than a good one. During the later hours of night it is impossible to join a multiplayer lobby because the game is being played by so many people servers can't function. Anyone who is able to play will be able to say that this game is infested with modder's ruining the online experience. The online part of this game has been completely ruined on PC as of the time of this review. Fortunately the single-player side of the game is absolutely phenomenal still to this day holds up extremely well, it is engaging and well put together, with enough things to do to give you dozens of hours of enjoyment.

8.5/10 - GTA V is still one of the best games of all time however if you are looking for a multiplayer experience you may want to look elsewhere.
Posted 14 May, 2020. Last edited 8 July, 2020.
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