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4.7 hrs on record
Responsibility... a heck of a word. Sometimes impossible to live up to. Sometimes you're just running away. Sometimes its all your fault anyway.

I urge you to play this game with no prior insight. Its a work of horror that really deserves it's message to be unburdened by knowledge beforehand. Mouthwashing is an astounding game. It is a bottle story that invites you to think about the outside. It is a character study that isn't what you expect. It is a mouthwashingly refreshing dive into an impressively powerful critique. I think I love Mouthwashing?
I dont believe in numbers but imho 9/9, couldn't be better.
It has powerful story telling. Hauntingly complex. Endlessly intriguing.
Why would anyone crash the ship?

Also maybe I think everyone of the characters deserve kisses???!?
Posted 20 January.
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204.2 hrs on record (115.4 hrs at review time)
Despite not being the best TES game, it's the nicest thing we have when it comes to it. Not the best/good lore, mediocre and great quests, many many voiced lines done by 8 people. It's got its place in my heart even with Bethesda being how they are.
Posted 24 June, 2020.
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2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Same 30 minute matches, now with less control.
Posted 9 August, 2019.
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1.0 hrs on record
Very fun, not very realistic shooting if thats what you're into.
Combat rolling Scorpions and Anubis never fail to amuse me.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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3.4 hrs on record
I feel the need to preface this review with the fact that I own most of the COG/HOG games, and have played them multiple times in most cases. So I am well versed in Runt's peers.

I must say, that despite this game having an intriguing world and interesting characters, I wasn't able to really feel immersed. Your "Friends" are mostly expounded upon by the short introductions your character gives them and maybe 1-2 conversations you have with them 1 on 1 and only when you choose to sacrifice the conversations with the others. The options for romance are sparse but not wholly unsatisfactory. However I can't say I actually knew any of my friends/love interests/rivals. Where most games would cultivate a sense of character Runt of the Litter goes for a broader story. More like being actually read a fairy tale then actually playing and living one. My friends seemed to be either one note or just there. Same with the Council, you have the ♥♥♥♥♥, the Reasonable one who everyone calls weak, and the unfeeling swing vote. Your rival is that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ everyone knew in highschool. Just mean for no real reason, even when you help him he's an ass.

Now with all I've said I know you'd think me to give this game a poor recommendation. However, I will say that this is a solid C+. The world is interesting, I did love my Griffon and did all I could in order to protect them. I was very close to actually caring about my friends. But... none of it felt like it had weight. I never found myself anxious in a fight, never doubted what choice I made, and never really got to breath in this story. I feel there's a great game here, just itching to be written.

All in all, I can recomend this game to people who are cool playing it once or twice, and being satisfied that you've seen it all. I hope maybe one day there can be something more to this. I've never seen a COG/HOG game with a DLC story but I think this game could use one.
Posted 25 February, 2017.
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3.9 hrs on record
Why do kites fly?

An interesting question, for a warrior monk, but an important one to ask.

Well done in both characterization and tone, Choice of Kung Fu is a continued breath into the seldom explored, and even more seldom analyzed, world of Chinese myth and style; even if it is a bit of a short whiff. I wont give anything away but I will say that if you've ever played Jade Empire, and enjoyed it's style and storytelling, then Choice of Kung Fu will give you another chance to explore such a world again. Full of Kung Fu, Chi, Fox Spirits, Romance, and Rebellion; I was once again, pulled into the story of a single monk residing in a small monastery on the side of a mountain, seeking to learn from the fabled Dragon Sage. The breadth of play styles are impressive and refreshing as is usual in a Choice of Games/Hosted Games title. While the one ending I have gotten was fitting, it left me wanting more. Though, this is a testament to the quality of the story telling rather than the feeling of an incomplete narrative.

A highly pleasurable title from our always entertaining friends at CoG/HG and the writers they help promote. I can solidly recommend Choice of Kung Fu to anyone who is a fan of, or has passing interest in, a Chinese themed setting that spans your life as a monk of the Order of the Peach Tree. Years will go by and it will be your choices that dictate the fate of the very nation you live in. Will you fight with honor and be as the Buddha would be? Perhaps you will dedicate your life to the pursuit of martial prowess and open a Dojo? Maybe you would just like to live happily with your thoughts as you create poetry with your lover? Maybe none of these things. That is the fun part of these games.

It's all up to you!
Posted 18 December, 2015. Last edited 18 December, 2015.
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7.3 hrs on record
Another exceptional novella from Max Gladstone, laid in the unique and ever interesting Deathless world. Differing itself from its sister game The City's Thirst (TCT) is more detective noir paired with western cowboys (at least in my first play through) then the machinations of mystical lawyer life. Wonderfully told with a fabulous breadth of stories, TCT elicits many possibilities from the intriguing setting, human (and inhuman) characters, and even the personality of the player. Are you just a negotiator trying to make sure everything is square in the never ending slog of city governance? Or perhaps a war torn vet sexing, smoking, and drinking your way through day after day just trying to forget? Either way, I can see I'll have more fun to gleam from this lovely title in the future and I cant wait for my chance to do it.
Posted 11 November, 2015.
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11.6 hrs on record
So, you're an aspiring inventor making your way through college. Countless hours of work has all lead up to this; you've invented a robot, the first of it's kind. Do you decide to make them out of Wood, full of beauty and grace? Or perhaps strong durable steel, all but impervious to damage!? Maybe, just some plastic polymer, you do have a budget after all. None the less, your creation shall be your own. Weather you decide to nurture them into a companion with a love of learning and humanity; or a soulless killing machine only doing what it is told to do. You shall not be alone in your task, nor shall you be unnoticed. Power struggles, international politics, corporate America; None will let you go so easily.
Your choice is your own.

Choice of Robots
is an incredible choose your own adventure style game. You can play a number of different routs with your own style, I personally like to make some robot overlords, don't worry they're friendly ! If you like Sci Fi or any of the Philip K. ♥♥♥♥ novels, hell even the matrix movies are referenced and add a nice nuance to the game , then you'll dig this game.

Now quick break down of the game, interface is about as minimal as you can get, your story with text and a choice, 3 options on top;
  • Stats: view you robots stats and your money in pocket.
  • Restart: there are no save slots, no save scumming out a different ending here buddy.
  • Achievements: self explanatory.
Though I find this helps the game out, it doesn't force you to envision what the devs had in mind but instead allows you to make your own characters and scenery up in your imagination . This might be difficult for some if you're just that bland but, come on it's a CYOA game.

All in all
9/10, this game made me cry on more than one occasion and then had me spiral into a ocean of introspection all while lifting me back up and making me smile and feel happier about my decisions. With out the use of graphics or much of an interface Choice of Games has made characters that feel as real as the friends, family, and rivals you have in your own life, all wrapped up in a wonderful world not far off.
Posted 15 February, 2015.
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0.4 hrs on record
Marlow Briggs is the best character action game ever.
DMC can go suck a bag of Angel D*cks.
A little strange and a bit loose with the controls Marlow Briggs never disapoints.
In a game where you're a black guy fighting with the chinese mob in South America with a Aztech Death Mask as your guide there is nothing not to like.
Posted 1 July, 2014.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries