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21.5 hrs on record (16.0 hrs at review time)
TLDR: Good xcom-like with a horribly jarring crash in styles from gameplay to cutscenes.

Ive been on a roll playing through turn based tactics games in the 40k universe. Before this, i played Battle Sector, Mechanicus and Rogue Trader start to finish, and Chaos Gate was next in line.
My first impression of this game was honestly pretty horrible. I dont know who decided on the models used in cutscenes, but they look absolutely terrible. Like someone took a pixar version of a 40k character and ran it through a ps2 cutscene-machine. There is absolutely zero grim dark about how these characters look at all.
Going from these other pretty faithful representations of 40k to these goofy guys was a real hard pill to swallow. Im not a fanatical 40k lore guy in any way, but its odd to make a game set in a world described as grimdark and then put them in super well lit warm-feeling rooms with lots of pretty colors and goofy looking faces with pirates of the caribbian-type jewels and ♥♥♥♥.
ANYWAY, enough about that. The game itself, playing the turned based tactical action, or xcom-like for short - is pretty good. Sadly, the 'enemy turns' are handled pretty badly, in that you can speed them up, but still often end up staring at your screen waiting for their turn to pass a lot more than you spend actually moving your marines around. You can work around this using cheat engine, which honestly, if you dont surf the web or listen to podcast or do *something* while playing this, you need to look into that, or it might get pretty tedious after the first missions. The combat scenarios themselves are usually pretty fun and sometimes challenging. If you've played x-com, you know what to expect. Its that, in a 40k suit.
When not moving your marines around fighting chaos, you spend some time aboard your ship with your crew. They look like goofy pixar people here also(if you dont belive me, google a cutscene of the main ships tech priest - theres not a trace of the dark AdMech vibe in that model), but you dont really need to engage too much with them other than getting short lore dumps from time to time - and these are seldom something you need pay much attention to.
All in all, even if this review might read pretty negative, i do like Chaos gate. I dont think Ill finish this like i did the games i mentioned earlier, but I do enjoy fighting my way through chaos with my trusty grey knights and will continue playing at least a little more. The actual tactics game they've built here is good(and feels 40k), and the surrounding package of upgrading your ship and doing research and all that jazz is fun. Sadly, the absolute crash in vibe and style does have an impact on my enjoyment while playing this. I dont know if two different studios worked on this and the communication broke at some point or what, but imagine literally shooting chaos spawn to pieces with your marines in touch, tactical combat one moment, then you have a convo with this glittery metal christmas tree looking tech priest directly after. It just doesnt work at all. Honestly, if they removed every cutscene from this game, I would like it more. Idk if this is purely a me problem or what, but at least now whoever reads this will know. Google the cutscenes first.

If this game was stripped of bad CG characters - 8/10
As is - 6/10
Posted 24 September, 2024.
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81.7 hrs on record
I thoroghly enjoyed my time playing through Rogue Trader. My hour count is a bit off, as i left it running a bit without actually playing, but an actual playthrough is probably in the 60-70h range.
The big thing to know about this game is, its _very_ buggy still, and the devs doesnt seem interested in fixing it. There is a very, very competent 40k themed crpg here, but you will face some pretty irritable bugs running through this game, specially in the back 20%. Bugs like enemies never ending their turn is routine, but i also experienced bugs like prompts not shoving up, making understanding what i was supposed to do impossible. Then i reload my save the next day and there was just a prompt to click that never loaded in. Very frustrating and i ended up wasting an hour. Stuff like that is real ♥♥♥♥♥♥ here, and i wish the devs would fix it, cause the game itself is very good.

If this was a fairly bugfree experience, id give it an easy 9/10
The bugs make it a 6.5/10, only buy if youre into crpgs, 40k and have a decently high tolerance for bugs. Its a great game, but sadly, the bugs does affect my enjoyment of it.
Posted 18 September, 2024.
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39.7 hrs on record (25.7 hrs at review time)
I came from Battlesector, exited about having found a legit xcom-like with some substance and quality. Had read this game was even better, which i honestly didnt expect as i really enjoyed Battlesector. This is better. This is better in 95% of ways it can be. Its a different type of turn based combat, you dont get to overwatch your tech priests or anything like that - but trust me, if you love turned based tactical combat, you will love this.
The gameplay, the beautifully haunting soundtrack, the vibe of the Adeptus Mechanicus, its all nailed to perfection. I am SO exited to play Mechanicus 2.
Posted 26 August, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
Horrible first impression. Looks and feels like a mobile port.
Posted 16 August, 2024.
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32.4 hrs on record
I came at this game as more of a turn based tactics-guy than a 40k guy. That wasnt a problem at all. This is a really good xcom-like, and i dont say that in a derogatory way. Imo this game is on the level with the x-com reboot, which is high praise. Ive heard Mechanicus is even better, so excited to give that a run next.

A word of warning about this game tho, the main campaign is played as the Blood Angels, and its great. There are a couple of other campaigns included here where you can play as other factions too, but these are DLC, which is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ngl.
Posted 16 August, 2024.
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718.6 hrs on record (552.4 hrs at review time)
Ive played Hunt since it came out in EA. It used to be, imo, the best, most tense pvpve game Ive ever played. But Crytek has become a horrid developer, and theyve really done all they can to ruin this property the past 5 years. Seems like theyve finally done it, with this latest update. The servers are all messed up, the UI is the worst Ive ever seen in a game, getting in a game is pure luck - all this is crap, but its crap I can live with to play a really good game with my friends. I will not however live with tactically sneaking up to someone and shooting them in the back from about 1m distance with the Caldwell rival and it does absolutely nothing. Didnt even get hitmarkers. If shooting your enemies only works 90% of the time, there is something MASSIVELY wrong. I will not play again until Ive seen theres been more big updates, and if this kinda game breaking stuff isnt fix, Ill probably never play again.

I cannot belive how Crytek is actively working to mess up the one good thing they have going. Its preposterous. Either this is what they wanted the 'remake' to be, or they released something akin to a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ early access version for a game they released years ago. Its wild, man. Anyway, screw you Crytek for messing this game up. We always knew it was just a matter of time, but its still a giant bummer.
Posted 16 August, 2024.
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21 people found this review helpful
9.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
If you follow the main story line, its about 6 hours of fun, but stick your foot outside the main path and you will find the world to be very empty. If thats fine by you and you like absurd meat gods and the original Fallout game, this is for you.
Death Trash is a game full of potential, but there is still some way to go for this world to feel fleshed out(intended). I also hope they have some more background music and ambiance planned, the silence sometimes makes the game feel even more empty.
Posted 21 December, 2022.
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0.7 hrs on record
This is a 20ish minute point and click adventure based on Lovecrafts story by the same name. Its nothing flashy, but I enjoyed it a lot. Would deff check out similar games from this dev.
Posted 28 July, 2022.
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0.6 hrs on record
Im not sure how i feel about this game. If youre the kind of person who enjoys being stalked by monsters with no way to defend yourself but hide, you will probably enjoy it. Im not that kind of person, but had a decent time with what little Ive played. And thats where my issue with it come in.
First off, i had to disconned my Oculus Rift to get sound from my normal gaming headset. Changing the audio setting in windows didnt help, neither did adding the -nohmd prompt to the launch options. And that kinda sucks. Another issue i had was the game crashing. In a game where you can very quickly perish because you blindly chose the wrong path, not being able to get quickly back in it because of crashes makes the whole thing less than enjoyable.

This is one of those times where i wish steam let you say ‘yeah, this game is decent, but technical issues makes it hard to enjoy’ insted of just yes i recommend or no i dont. I have no problem seeing myself or other having fun with it, but atm it just wasnt doable for me, sadly. Therefor i cant recommend it, even if playing the game, when it doesnt crash, was fun for what it was. Small, bite sized horror experiences with decent graphics and a cool, weird atmosphere.
Posted 15 November, 2021.
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11.7 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
I really enjoyed playing through Intravenous. The story itself is not great, and by not great, I mean its bad and obvious. I guessed the 'story twist' after the first mission. But playing it is a lot of fun! My only real criticism is the stealth itself. I wish there were a couple more gadgets to help the player get through situations without alerting everyone, as there are situations you get into where the silent route just isnt doable because of multiple enemies in the same area and cameras. Shooting your way out of a bad spot isnt too difficult, and its fun too, but Id still prefer a couple more ways to get around groups of enemies.
Another thing Id really like is some sort of visual indicator when enemies are alerted. The music kicks in to let you know, but Im one of those weirdos who mute the music so i can listen to podcasts while playing. I recognize thats a me problem and not a game problem, tho. If theres DLC or a follow up game, Im here for it.

5.5/6 (you gotta be okay with a lil save scumming tho)
Posted 1 October, 2021.
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