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25.9 hrs on record (25.7 hrs at review time)
Can't believe I slept on this game for 5 years, it's an awesome experience. Curb stomping a demon never gets old.
The atmosphere is intense, and you feel like an unstoppable bad-ass the entire game. The game stays fresh,
you'll want to revisit levels to explore, find secrets you missed or practice your skills. Can't wait to play Eternal next.

10/10 Game.
Posted 18 March, 2021.
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274.5 hrs on record (191.1 hrs at review time)
Fallout New Vegas, What an awesome game.. Where to start ? Well first off Fallout New Vegas is a lot different from Fallout 3 in many ways, Completely different location, factions and story and it is also made by Obsidian instead of Bethesda Game Studios. If you have played FO3 and Loved it you will enjoy New Vegas too. One of the pros of this game is choices, In Fallout 3 you followed a pretty linear questline with little to no choice on how it turns out.... but that has changed for the better in New Vegas, different factions and different ways to change the outcome of the entire game. The level cap is now 30 with no dlc and 50 with all 4 main dlcs which is insanely awesome, weapon customiziation iron sights hardcore mode and quite a few other things drasitcally improve gameplay over Fallout 3. Graphics are pretty much the same but gone is the green tint of the wasteland and hello to the new ugly orange tint of the mojave wasteland. Mods fix that obviously, Nevada Skies/Enb/Realistic lighting overhaul are a few of my favorites. The modding community is extremely active and after you complete all of the base content mods provide hundreds of more hours of gameplay. tl;dr Fallout New Vegas is an amazing RPG experience with improved gameplay over Fallout 3 and improved choices to change the entire story with an extremely active modding community so I do recommend you buy the Ultimate Edition especially for 20$. I did not intend to hate on FO3 in this review, I love Fallout 3 just as much as NV but NV did improve on a lot.
Posted 15 July, 2014. Last edited 24 December, 2014.
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32.2 hrs on record (28.8 hrs at review time)
Open world, Wacky, fun, The environment is kind of destructable, would be better if buildings could collapse like in mercenaries 2. Either way pretty cool game 7/10
Posted 24 December, 2012.
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