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77.1 hrs on record
I am a broken person.
Now give me The Answer so I can be even more broken
Posted 23 February, 2024.
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565.4 hrs on record (65.3 hrs at review time)
One of my favourite games of all time already, so much to see so much to explore.
I will be stuck on this one for a while.

Once they fix the performance issues so that everyone can have a smooth experience I have no doubt this will go down as one of the greatest games of all time.
Posted 3 March, 2022.
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94.1 hrs on record (58.9 hrs at review time)
Absolutely incredible
Posted 11 October, 2020.
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155.7 hrs on record (51.1 hrs at review time)
Easily one of the best games I ever played.
Posted 3 February, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Good for practice 10/10
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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76.5 hrs on record (54.8 hrs at review time)
For me and probably most people this was the first souls game they ever played. I played it after getting hyped from seeing Dark Souls II on gameplay but I couldn't play it so instead I decided to play the first game until Dark Souls II released for PC and unsurprisingly the game turned out to be rather difficult for someone like with zero prior experience in the franchise.

The first boss that gave me trouble with was the Taurus demon beating it took quite some effort the first time but, after I managed to beat him and got to proceed I came across the Gargoyles which many players consider the first major roadblock for new players and I was not able to beat the fight and gave up. Weeks passed and despite my experience in Dark Souls PTD I decided to pick up and play Dark Souls II when it was released for PC and after beating and struggling through the entire game I went back to the first game.

I started over and had a much more manageable time. I killed the Taurus demon and bested the Gargoyles way quicker than I did my first time around. Unbeknown to me, the real game just started which is figuring out where to go next. I want to take this opportunity to point out the incredible world design in the first half of Dark Souls (we get to the second half later) the game constantly makes you walk uncertain paths, the only other hint to go off at the start is that you have to ring the second bell but... where is it?
In what we would call true Dark Souls fashion these days, you get a key to open a certain door which leads you to a boss which drops another key for another door which leads to another boss and... you get the idea. At the end of this long chain of boss fights and doors you will reach the second bell, you open up Sens Fortress and... you realise that the trials you just overcame will look like child's play when compared to this Fortress. And all of this happens without ever telling you where to go directly. This works because Dark Souls world design is fundamentally structured like a Metroidvania and it works perfectly in this case. You come across a path explore it and will probably find a dead and, you will return to it hours later and it's suddenly a new path or shortcut. This is the strongest point of the first in the series that the newer games sadly failed to replicate this way.

The biggest issue overall with Dark Souls is the now slightly clumsy combat and dodging and the drop in quality after reaching the halfway point of the game. The second half of this game for the most part sadly doesn't live up to the fantastic first half. I've heard from many people who played through this game multiple times that they just stop after reaching that point or the last thing they do before stopping is go to the DLC area which houses some of the best bosses in the entire series the second half doesn't deliver too great in the aspect of boss fights either, while I personally think that some of them are fine but you are missing the really fantastic fights you had before. Speaking off...
The boss fights are a highlight overall, managing to stand out despite the incredible level design, the biggest issue people have with Dark Souls II are the boss fights which are largely forgettable. Dark Souls PTD doesn't have that problem at least when it comes to memorable boss fights. A majority of boss fights will keep you on your toes and maybe even keep you thinking about them for a long time after because of their difficulty. Even if the boss isn't good it's probably memorable for being outright terrible like "Bed of Chaos".

Mechanically speaking the game hasn't aged terribly well when compared to it's own sequels. You are only able to dodge in 4 directions, the way the game determines your dodging capabilities itself can be very convoluted with the equip load percentages and the three different kinds of dodge rolls you get depending on your weight. This was streamlined in future games and going back to this one after playing Dark Souls III is always a struggle when it comes to maintaining the best dodge but, the bosses are designed around the limited dodging at your disposal so once you get used to it, it really isn't that bad.

Also when it comes to leveling up in this game while ironically being the most comfortable in the series with being able to assign stat points at bonfires instead of having to warp back to the main hub the level up screen in itself is the most overloaded one in the series aswell, giving you pretty much every info about your character imaginable which sounds great on paper but that makes it look incredibly daunting at first glance but is something veterans will appreciate.

In the end Dark Souls PTD got replaced by the Remaster which wasn't received too well on it's release because of the price and the removal of the option to purchase the original version. Roughly 3 years later the opinion on this changed and I don't see a reason why you would ever buy this version of the game over the remaster unless you want to speedrun it or use PTD exclusive mods. This PC version stands out as an example on how not to port a game to PC, the windows mouse cursor being your only reliable companion in this game while funny now was very infuriating back when it first released and having to instal a fan made mod to fix issues that shouldn't exist in the first place is not something you should be required to do. Which hey, it isn't anymore since the remaster exists.

In conclusion, I recommend playing this game BUT don't go out of your way to purchase a key for PTD on steam which are currently running for 80€ a piece. Just do yourself a favor and buy the remaster, it's the same game but improved in its own technical aspect while sadly not bringing up the second half of the game to the level of the first.

If I had to give this game a score, before the remaster: 8.5/10
But now that the remaster is a thing I would give that score to the remastered version and this one gets a 7/10.
Still good but not the best way to play this game anymore.
Posted 21 July, 2016. Last edited 7 May, 2021.
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1.9 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
I wan't back:
My 2h of lifetime i wasted with this ♥♥♥♥
my 1€ i payed for this

UPDATE 22.4.16

it still su***
Posted 5 April, 2016. Last edited 22 April, 2016.
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12.9 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
So... i bought this game for about 5€ when it was on sale and i kinda wanted to test it out after playing the PS2 version a few years ago. I were really hyped about this game after seeing it on sale that i had to buy it. It took me roughly 6h to complete the main story and another 2h on top for the bonus missions. So... not that long huh? i gues its pretty short but... is that a bad thing? well... if it would have 9 stages with a different layout then yeah it would be fine but the thing is that this game recycles 3 stages locations (death star just looks exactly like the first mission if you ask me). At least the levels are good designed, you will have a hard time to find all holocrons if you really want to look for them. Sadly the port is pretty BAD we got a 30 fps cap and near to none graphic options. You got 2 things 1. Resolution 2. High Quality textures Yes or No. THATS IT so... pretty bad. Atleast you can remove the FPS cap by downloading a 60 fps .exe if you look up a guide for the game. But lets get to the gameplay.

It feels really good to and flewing to play this game. The movement just feels right and the attacks feel very powerfull.
The thing i liked the most were the stylish combos you can do they look really awesome in my opinion. You get XP or "force points" for killing enemies or finding holocrons if you get enough you will lvl-UP and you get 1 skill point for all 3 sections of your skill tree. You can upgrade everything you want and its fun to have a choice on what to lvl up. The level design is good, the hidden holocrons are sometimes hidden very good and sometimes they are just waiting for you to pick them up. The missions are kind of repetetiv and you shouldn't play more than one mission per session because it may start to bore you.


The Graphics are ok i guess i think they are fine and what you would expect from a game that is a bit older


I really enjoyed it but it got his downsights.
If you don't play more than one mission per session you should be fine
BUT please don't pay the full price for this game just wait for a sale again and get it for much cheaper and its not worth 20€. HF
Posted 5 April, 2016. Last edited 6 May, 2018.
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374.9 hrs on record (114.2 hrs at review time)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth... Was soll man dazu sagen? Es ist eines der Besten wenn nicht sogar das Beste spiel dieses Jahres. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth habt ihr schonmal von diesem Spiel gehört? Nein? Wo warst du dein Leben lang?
Jetzt mal real... Das spiel hat schwächen und stärken fangen wir mit den schwächen an:
-Durch random Prinzip kann es sehr Frustrierend werden
-Alter Soundtrack meistens besser als vom Remake (Geschmackssache und kann man mit mods ausgleichen also kein wirklicher contra)
-Für manche leute Gewöhnungs bedürftiger grafik-stil.
Das wars in meinen Augen zu den contras... kommen wir zu den Guten sachen am Spiel.
-Durch random Prinzip nahezu unendlich Spiel spaß
-Mehr als 500 std abwechslung
-Trotz schlechterer musik immernoch sehr gute musik
-Gute steuerung mit Gamepad und Tastatur
-60 fps + 1920x1028 auflösung
-Läuft auf allem das kein toaster ist flüssig
-Coop wenn auch nur Lokal
-Liebevoll detailierte Pixel grafik
-Mehr als 300 Items
-Sehr viele Synergies mit den items
-Angenehm bis fordernder Schwierigkeitsgrad
-Mod unterstützung
-Für 15€ Sehr Preiswert
-Kann man immer wieder mal Spielen und kein run wird dem anderen gleichen
-Seeds damit man die gleichen runs wie freunde haben kann
-Mehrere characktere
-178 achievments für Isaac fans.
Ich denke das waren die meisten.
Damit würde ich euch den kauf selbst überlassen aber ne empfehlung gibts natürlich für ein grandioses Spiel wie Rebirth immer :D
Posted 17 December, 2014.
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32.5 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
Mark of the Ninja... was soll man sagen außer das jeder der schon die alten splinter cell spiele liebte wird dieses spiel vergöttern es ist ein 2D stealth spiel bei dem es darum geht das ihr eine giftige tattoo tinte habt die euch nach einigerzeit verückt werden lässt. Jedoch bekommt ihr übernatürliche fähigkeiten die euch z.B leitungen sehen lässt, zeit anhalten und sogar teleportation. das spiel hat eine recht kleine spiel dauer von 8-10 std aber es gibt noch das "new game+" das ist dass gleiche spiel wie vorher nur um einiges schwerer. Und falls euch das immernoch nicht reicht sammelt ihr am besten die schriftrollen und versucht die herausforderrungen zu bewältigen. Falls ihr all dies macht werdet ihr um die 15-20 std brauchen. Ein pflichtkauf für jeden stealth liebhaber und für jeden anderen: Probiert es mal aus.
Posted 5 February, 2014.
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