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72.0 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
Game itself is very good, enjoyable, balanced etc. I expected to be overwhelmed by abilities and stupid cards, but no, its very fun and enjoyable.

BUT, and its a big one ... The community, it is full of Russian ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ players that are extremely toxic, not only are they bad at the game, but they instantly troll and spam chat in russian as soon as they're not happy, Luckily ranked system seems well made and i legit win +40 and loose -1 or even +0 in most my loose bc im playing properly (currently platinium 3 in 11 games played). so its not affecting my rank that much currently. But its such a pain to play with trollers and im scared that when i hit my rank i will be loosing way more. I hope they are active on banning trollers as they are on banning cheaters (very quick and effective !!)

Overall i higly recommend the game, but yeah be ready to want to punch some people xD
Posted 15 March.
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18.6 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Higly suggest you give this game a try, very fun experience ! it can be challenging, and i love the characters storys and little choice we can make with them, and the gameplay itself is very nice i could spend hours trying to make everything perfect to clear a mission in one turn etc ! 10/10
Posted 27 December, 2024.
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6.6 hrs on record
very fun
Posted 7 November, 2024.
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1,206.9 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
What a surprise ! Cant even enter the game, servers are crashing, are full, cant even join the same server as my friend anymore, cannot join any servers to be fair.

Updated to positive after 6h of playing the game, now that i can play (they reacted fast why the issue, creating more servers, i didnt crash or have a problem for 6h30of playing) i still cant play with my friend bc his server is full, i have free tokens to switch servers tho, now just hoping to find a spot on his server !

The game itself looks very great, very very beautifull, lots of QoL things, runs smooth on very high settings even tho i have like 60-70fps in towns bc of how many people are around, no stutter or anything, gameplay is great but i have a hard timewith the targeting/combat itself, not use to have that many buttons to push to combat (movements + at least 12 spells + other item spots etc). We'll see if i change my review later on, for now, its free, its good, try it if u want
Posted 1 October, 2024. Last edited 1 October, 2024.
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394.1 hrs on record (79.5 hrs at review time)
Good game, free to play, you can farm everything, its fun, it can get challenging (even tho right now im at the lvl 120-130 bosses and so far only Pyrotech boss has been quite hard) its OVERALL a very good free to play game and you can spend a good amount of time on it !

Now to get more into details :
There's obviously some bad things on the game as other review mentioned, but for me it doesnt deserve a negative review.
Yes the drop rates are sometimes very low, or annoying to farm (5min waiting for an objective to respawn, to then have 15% chance to drop a "chest", in wich you have a 2% chance to get the item you wanted) it can be VERY LONG ! BUT the devs already started to changes some things, adding rare ressource drops on elites mobs etc, making it easier, and the things at 3% drop rate are mostly ULTIME DESCENDANTS parts, wich, you can buy for a lot of money. I wont spend money on this game unless they changes the prices in the shop, its VERY VERY expensive, sadly their greed is making them loose money im sure because if it was normal prices im sure more people would pay. Anyway, about the DROP RATES, once in hard mode, most the "chest" can be dropped in a gold version, wich the 3% becoming 6%, AND, you can drop Stabilizer that increase the drop rates, making it 6%->12%, wich is PLENTY ENOUGH for an ultimate descandant ! i already got 2 pieces of Viessa Ultimate without trying to farm her, and one piece of Gley Ultimate, i dropped them at 6% drop rate !!

There's also a rotation system once u get into hard mode, weekly rotation to drop Reactors, external components etc. RIght now its 98% reactors, and 2 External components. I REALLY HOPE they add stuff to this, for exemple -> Ultimate components, guns components, ressources that you drop on the said 5min waiting missions, make it so that every mob on a certain area has a 2% drop chance for an ultimate piece would add so much more chance to get your wanted thing and player retention, you'd have to check weekly to see what ressource, gun part, descendant part is dropping currently, and still have to farm a lot bc 2% is low, but at least not 2% on a 15% chest that you have to wait 5 min to try and drop. LOTS of stuff like this can change so much in the game and make it so much better, and i have good feeling about this game.

With all that said, its not a big deal as is, low drop rate on a shooter looter like this is normal and not enough to negaticely review the game and say 'huh poop game drop rate fake warframe better', For the price of the shop on the other hand, yes its wayyyy to expensive and greedy. but you dont need to pay at all.
Posted 15 July, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
869.9 hrs on record (594.3 hrs at review time)
Season 1 - 2 were great, had a lot of fun grinding ranked, playing unranked, like overall the game was my favorite, they nerfed the nuke (THANK GOD) and made the game playable and fun again just in time. If it stayed like that i would've put a positive review and throwing lots of flowers for the game. Sadly..

Season 3 KILLED the game, NEVER in my 600h of playing i have waited more than 2 minutes to find a ranked match, not even at 4-5am in high diamond. TODAY im Plat 3 and it takes 10+ minutes to find a match at 4-6pm. Match that has a 50% of being dodged bc of hackers that are knowned, or because Ruby players see a silver in their team bc no one plays the game. And if the game miraculously starts, you realise there was a cheater, or that the people in your team are just handicapped and cant use both their hands, ending up 0-8 with an insane 300 damage as a sniper, and you loose 1200minimum. Its unplayable, and we are still at the BEGINNING of season 3. Sad. I had a blast in the beginning when i was avoiding TA, i got Max rank in world tour, top 200 ish, loved the skins of the battlepass etc, but now, even World tour is full of stupid people who dont understand ANYTHING about the game, coin for no reason, leaving a team alone the entire round, seeing a team win 50 000$ with 2 kills total, people are rage quitting after 3 death, you see at least 2-3 people leave the game in every first rounds, like, its just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Im not enjoying the game at all anymore, im getting mad after 1-2 game max, its not fun to play against NPC (most of my world tour game are a win, with around 90 000-150 000 cash total, we get almost all the boxes every round) but even if i win and hard stomp the ennemys, its not fun, there's no challenge no difficulty its just a nomatch. Or even worse, you often loose because your team is just worst than the ennemys. Season 3 really killed the game, playercount, and player skill average, people who are playing The Finals today are just casual/dumb people who will just leave the game if they die twice no matter i its ranked or not, or even if they are winning, if THEY perform bad, they'll leave. Anyways.. hopefully they make some BIG changes in season 3, but i know they wont, TA is gonna stay as THE RANKED MODE for this season and its doomed, you are top 500 if you are platinium 3 at the time im typing this, both season before that it was Dia2 at least. no one plays it, no one enjoy it, and people are frustrated and leaving.

Updated 16/07 : You can no longer dodge ranked HAHAHA, played 2 ranked game with a friend just to see, first game we played 2 round 5v1 (4 ennemy were not connected at all and it didnt dodge), we won 7 - 0 that game, played again, got 2 unraked and a low gold ( we are high plat ) against rubys, my friend tried to dodge, and thats when we learned that we can no longer dodge games, we lost 1-7 xD. This game is even more doomed now.
Posted 5 July, 2024. Last edited 15 July, 2024.
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437.5 hrs on record (437.2 hrs at review time)
Ok alors, le jeu en lui meme est bien, sans mettre 1€ tu peux tout faire, event a 100% etc, sympa comme passe temps et tout. CECI DIT, ma review est negative pour une simple raison, 440h de jeu, saison 61, je grindais bien, event et tout, et la... Chargement qui bloque a 100%, impossible de jouer.. j'attends plusieurs heures et tout toujours rien, jvais voir les bug reports du jeu, cest un bug qui existe depuis 2019, qui na jamais ete fix et ne le sera jamais, donc en gros jai joué pour rien la j'pourrais jamais rejouer, voila, si vous voulez jouer au jeu aller y, mais dites vous qu'a tout moment votre jeu dit ok bye.
Posted 25 June, 2024.
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91.6 hrs on record (28.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very promising early access, so much to do, 30h in and still have sooooo much to explore there is still 2 biomes we haven't put a foot in yet, the building is insane i cant wait to see amazing builds on youtube and just build insane base, you can play archer, mage, warrior, a little of everything etc, play it.
Posted 29 January, 2024.
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24.9 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
tutuuuu tuuutuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Posted 23 November, 2023.
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121.9 hrs on record (58.0 hrs at review time)
Car go vrrrrrrbprprppbrbprprppppppp skkrrrrt skrrrrrt
Posted 29 October, 2023.
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