у акаунті

Останні рецензії користувача Nabled

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 811
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 36
3,070.7 год. загалом (3,005.4 год на момент рецензування)
this game was my favorite game of all time, back when the orange box came out and none of the custom items were a thing, it was just 2 teams, 9 classes and good fun.
I played in the competitive scene, i wasn't good enough to be considered great but i could hold my own and it was one of the best times i’ve had in gaming ever, I made friends, played intense matches and pulled off some crazy plays and shots - 3000 hours in the game some cool ♥♥♥♥ was bound to happen.
I even met my fiance playing this game AND we have a 7 year old boy now.

I stopped competing in around 2014, the last 7 years i would load up pubs/pugs and would mostly enjoy my time playing but having kids shifts priorities.

In these last 7 years i’ve seen this game decline steadily, from the over inflated amount of items/cosmetics, the competitive system not hitting the mark, the clear lack of continued development and update scope/frequency and the biggest issue of all, the bots/hackers.

I loaded up the game today just to play a few rounds before we go out to see a movie, all of the community servers i plays on are empty but its new years eve so that makes sense, i queue up for casual with a sigh knowing full well what i was getting into, and sure enough 6 bots are in the server literally spamming recordings of hitler and nazi germany.
We try to vote them out but there are too many and more rejoining and we just can't keep up.
Its been like this for years now with no solution in sight.

For the first time ever, I don't want to play my favorite game anymore.
Sorry you turned out this way, Goodbye old friend.
Додано 30 грудня 2021 р..
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