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1.6 hrs on record
So... I got this game - but I forgot that I don't have any friends I can murder. :/
Posted 2 November, 2024.
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16.7 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)

Posted 22 October, 2024.
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19.8 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
This game is a confusing card grindfest that does it's best to force you to submit to it's microtransactions.

Gameplay and racing is casual fun - but interrupted by "You need cards to unlock this car to finish this tournament!" in combination with "You need to finish this previous tournament for which you need this car that you need to unlock with cards to play the next tournament!".

There's also a fuel limit for each car, so you can only do six (or less) races (if won or not) with one car before you gotta wait some time for a refuel.

Granted, it's F2P but this forced cashgrabbery is overdone and tiring. With all this, it feels like a mobile game.

Play it for a bit, just for fun - but do yourself a favour: be smart, don't sink money into it!
Posted 3 October, 2024.
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0.6 hrs on record
I winz but... meh. Waste of time.
Posted 19 April, 2024.
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63.5 hrs on record
The game plays well. I'm not sure if I feel like a wimp because I kept the aim assist - but I wouldn't hit a drone with my RailGun from 3.5km out.

Negative points:
- I miss being able to use large trading vessels or battle ships.
- I miss Multitarget Cluster Missiles.
- Travelling takes ages. A) Your ship needs over 10 second to align to a jump gate. B) I haven't found a way to autopilot full routes yet. You can "auto travel" to a point in a system with your jump drive (you have to.) but there's no multijump auto travel between systems. :/
- The universe feels a bit small but I've been at only four systems so far.
- Sometimes it's a bit much BLAH.
- The main character makes a load of decisions I wouldn't. I can't always stand behind that dumbdonkey.
- The crafting system and collecting more money for new ships is a bit of a grind. I'm level 21 and stuck at about 120k, even with trading runs.

A few positive points:
- I like the ship customization. Modules COULD give you different stats, though.
- The game graphix are nice.
- The cut scenes look good as well. They're different.
- The voice acting ain't bad and the characters are likable (even if quite stereotypical).
- I like the weapons, especially the missiles.
- Enemies, especially squadrons of them, can be really tough. (I'm on normal)

All in All, In my opinion, the game is worth the 30 Yaroo I paid for it. I played it for 60 hours so far, makes it like .5 Yaroo per hour.
Is it worth 50? Mmmh maybe not. Not unless they add a load of space, cargo ships and capital ships. :D
Posted 8 January, 2024.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Poppin' a can of VB, starting Dinkum and turning up my The Chats playlist. I reckon it can't get more down under than this, Kant. :D
Posted 4 January, 2024.
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8.6 hrs on record
It somehow got boring quite quickly.

I like the "exploration"-map of different effects.
Posted 3 November, 2023.
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169.6 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Pewpew, bitshez!

Needs parachutes!!!


Update: Still needs parachootz!


Update: Still needs cutechootz! And unlockable Camo for Mines!
Posted 25 June, 2023. Last edited 19 April, 2024.
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35.9 hrs on record
Maybe not for 10 Yaroo - but at least on sale, I really recommend giving this a shot.

I like the concept and the art style.

35 hours played and I feel like I haven't gotten far. Got a slime run which could be infinite if I'd keep playing it. I haven't even gotten as far as being able to craft quality items. :/

Issues I have with the game (possible "SPOILERS" ahead!):
- Tiny backpack. The twenty slots are quickly filled by: two to three sorts of coins, four different keys. (=7 slots) Then some food (one or two slots) and 10 slots of crafting materials... leaves one or two slot for gear you pick up - or key fragments.
- No obvious explanation on what's your goal and where you gotta go. (Don't go where enemies have masks about their heads. That's obvious. :D)
- Controls (especially eating/quaffing stuff) feels a bit unintuitive, as well as the UI (store replaces crafting and crafting itself is just scrolling through a list...)
- Crafted items aren't sellable, at least for a crafter slime girl they always are labeled "trash". Even if enchanted to the brim. You can pick up stuff to enchant it and sell it, though.
- When dismantling items, you always have to choose a resource - even if it's only one choice. Gets annoying after a while. Either just give me what I have the least off - or make it random if I haven't chosen. Or let me set a default/priority ranking.
Posted 14 April, 2023. Last edited 14 April, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record
Game is alright. Feels a bit small and simple, though. 10 Yaroo are a bit much so I returned it after an hour of gameplay.

Lacks Multiplayer.

There's a bunch of alternatives like Wayward or Necesse which feel better suited for me personally.
Posted 10 April, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 10 Apr, 2023 @ 11:12am (view response)
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