Muttley Beck
Anonymous   United States
If you have someone on steam who tells you that they reported you by mistake & tell you to add someone to prevent them from putting a ban on your account, block them as quickly as possible. It's a scam.

And sites that require a steam login should be avoided or looked into seeing if they are legit.

( I also do not trade. ) ( Video related to the scam i mentioned )

There use to be a guide that talked about the basics of what steam community's are, but i noticed it was recently removed via a link i use to have pasted here. To bring light to an important bit that was in said guide, if they have a ''valve'' icon next to there name ( NOT description, there actual user name ) or a Steam Mod Badge ( NOT a retired moderation one ) then they are part of steam.

Welcome to this profile that you have stumbled onto.

It's trash

I am someone who play's Deep Rock Galactic mostly and barely anything else, use to play l4d2 but i got tried of that games community and went to drg eventually. I'm a major introvert and i say weird things that probably don't make sense most of the time ( you aren't missing anything when i say these things don't worry. )

i'm also probably annoying, but depending on who you are you might not think i'm annoying. But let's be real i am though lol

That's all i have to say, stay safe and don't let the internet ruin you're life.

P.s If you notice someone with a private profile, they probably did it for 3 different reasons.

1. They get trade requests or friend requests really often.
2. They don't like people looking at there profile or due to an event they went private to protect themselves.
3. There insecure and have something to hide. ( Not everyone is like this but some. )

Hey i just noticed you read my bio fully ( i hope atleast ) here's a reward for you're troubles.
Currently Offline
Autistic drg information.

The following tips may or may not work as the game updates, so beware!

1. When on elimination missions, if you bring a dread to the starting room of where the pod was. You can actually play ring around the rosie with it, this also works with detonator's AND works with hot springs in Glacial Strata.

2. You can toss the bombs onto the lazer turrets for the Tritilyte Crystal machine event and it will count as hitting it!

3. When a bulk detonator has appeared and you're a scout with bio grenades, toss them onto the detonator and grapple hook pass it so it does its area attack. Causing any nearby enemies to be either damaged or killed. ( make sure the detonator is after you, that's important. )

4. When playing escort and mission control says the drill dozer is under attack, go back to it and defend it no matter what your doing, unless you want to hate yourself.

5. If you play a deep dive and you play as a driller, the next cave you head into will automatically refill you're c4's all the way, not sure if it also works with other classes.

6. Whenever a swarm occurs you can pretty much stand on any machine event and ground enemies can't get you. ( they may have to be enabled in order to work! )

7. When a rouge bet-c is on the lose it can also kill bugs as well and not just you, works better with bio grenades.

8. The difficulty is nerfed when playing solo, supposedly the more people that are in the session the harder the mission is. Basically enemies take more hits to kill and more might spawn then usual, plus the mission tends to act different when more people are around ( Example: More flying rocks spawn on escort then on solo. )

9. Not only do hover boots break your fall, you could also use them as the scout to make a little space in the roof or wall to get on top of minerals, then just grapple back down then back up and you should be able to get all of whatever you are mining.

10. When you refuel the drill dozer fully yet a swarm appears, simply start the drill up and it should cut it off.

11. Try to make pipes exactly 9.0 long if possible, saves you the trouble of building multiple pipe segments.

12. As a gunner or class with a bullet type weapon, whenever a Praetorian ( not a rad one ) starts to vomit, just bounce on his head mario style so you'll be able to shoot his back weak point without it turning around.

13. When launching the rocket on extraction, you can climb on the metal arms that held the rocket in place and ground enemies can't reach you. ( You can also place a sentry on top of one of them as well! )

14. Player levels don't mean anything, the only reason why they exist is to show how long someone has played the game for, that and also for people with egos.

15. If there is lost gear in a high place yet you're team mates can't get to it. See if you can dig it out and let it fall to the ground below, same thing can be done for mini mules.

16. When doing a solo refine mission, if you want things to be brighter when building pipes, mark something that bosco will light up. Then immediately tell him to start building the pipe line and his light will stay on the entire time when he is building!

17. When doing a salvage mission and the fuel pump lands at a high place, it might be best to dig it down so its closer to the ground without having to fear the risk of falling off.

18. The more people depositing at the same time the more faster you deposit.

19. You can bounce on people's heads to break your fall, does no damage to them. Also you can use the mule as a stepping stool sometimes.

20. Whenever something like a resupply pod come's through the ceiling in a cave, make sure you seal it up with you're platform gun so you won't have any sneaky bugs crawling up behind you!

21. When on elimination missions, if there is an event that does a pulse whenever it's done.
( e.g Ebonite Mutation & Kursite Infection ) and the dreadnought egg is close to the event, bust the egg open before the event finishes so the pulse can do some extra damage to the dreadnought.

22. If someone becomes frozen, use your power swing to free them in an instant.

23. If there is one single suicide bomber or so that is walking up on you, let it and when its close enough. Just melee swing its head and it won't blow up.

24. Ziplines, Pipelines, and flying bat's can break your fall, but this might be difficult to do at first.
( Holding e work's the best! )

25. If a flying enemy becomes frozen, don't bother shooting it. Other wise you'll be wasting ammo.

26. If you can't seem to find out where the pipe leak is coming from on a refine mission, check your map and it will say where!

27. When a gold det blows up and someone/you are playing driller, either use your c4 or EPC
( plasma pistol ) to mine the gold out. Saves you lots of time, however if people have drank the
'' pots of gold '' drink you should mine the gold out manually, or the gold won't be doubled.

28. You can drill ahead on escort as driller since the caves are usually straight ahead. Helpful if you wanna deal with the spitballs & cave leaches or whatever is ahead before hand, usually it's in the direction of 210/220 with the in game compass. ( Wouldn't do all the time unless needed. )

29. Wouldn't recommend mining electric crystals, although you can power swing them & shoot them with a bullet based weapon to destroy one. And also driller axes can be used to destroy them and you can pick them back up!

30. The longer you are on an extraction mission, the delay between swarms become's shorter.

31. Don't bother with standing on extraction/on site refine platforms, the bugs can hit you below them while you can't!

32. Be sure to dig out all dirt tunnels on the start of every elimination/egg hunt, allows you to have an escape in case you are running away from an enemy.

33. If someone goes down somewhere and you're a driller, you can drill to them and go under them and pick them back up safely.

34. On escorts the shield can be used to push away enemies from the dozer while it's at the heartstone, works better with the bigger shield upgrade.

35. Hitting tab while on the space rig allows you to view the mission menu without having to press e on it.

36. Keep dreadnoughts pinged so your team can see it more easily.

37. When fully upgrading armor it allows you're character to have extra health.

38. Fixing the dozer to 100% make's it invincible for 3 seconds.

39. Don't place platforms near the drill dozer & heartstone, otherwise the pulse will make them vanish. ( unless its to cover rocks )

40. As a gunner you can use you're minigun to shoot the tip of crystals on escort, the same thing can be done with the cannon & revolver. However it take's more ammo to shoot a crystal with the cannon and you need to have a certain upgrade explosive rounds for the revolver to one shot them.

41. Winning or losing a machine event give's you extra credits and exp!

42. Mining more things gives you extra exp, however it's not alot.

43. Don't be a hero and attempt a machine event while the drill dozer isn't finished getting the heartstone!

44. Fixing mini mules cause's swarm's of bugs to spawn like opening an egg.

45. If someone gets lost, have them call the mule to them and then call it to you while they follow it.

46. If there is a OMEN machine event while a gunner is present, the gunner should place straight ziplines that are above the ground to avoid the pulse turret. That is if you don't know which platform unlocks it everytime
Autistic drg information part 2.
47. You can climb on top of the refinery, can't really say how to but you can. ( Staying on top of it will prevent ground enemy's from reaching you. )

48. If the bet-c does an area attack with bombs while a gunner is nearby, the gunner should place a shield on top of it and just shoot it up close.

49. Always have a gunner when doing an escort on hazard 4-5 with a full group or say goodnight

50. Starting room's on egg hunt's or elimination's can be used as good hold out room's as long as there isn't a huge hole that goes into another part of the cave and the driller clear's the area well. Also if the elimination take's place on magma core do not bother with this.

51. If there is a bunch of enemy's at the start of a mission, stay in the drop pod and shoot them without getting hurt.

52. Higher hazards = Higher chances for things to spawn ( crates, lost gear, events. )

53. You can repair the drill dozer from the ground without the rocks killing you.

54. Mining stuff at the base ( like hollomite or bismor ) can save you time when mining it.

55. Resupply pods can be used as cover from projectile enemies.

56. If a detonator spawns, try to make it have very little health without killing it. It could be useful towards something that has the same amount of health as a det. ( like a bet-c, tyrant weed, dreadnaught. ) NOTE: Only do this when everyone is on board with this plan.

57. Pressing ESC twice while typing will stop you from typing and save whatever you were typing last!

58. You are able to climb on top of the heavy cargo box when the drill dozer is inside, save's you the trouble of mining stuff in the roof sometimes.

59. Drinking a beer that give's you a buff and then joining someone's game will keep it still. ( THEY HAVE TO BE IN A MISSION FOR THIS TO WORK )

60. If there is an event in a on site refine mission do it BEFORE starting the refinery, endless amounts of bugs will just keep spawning otherwise.

61. Don't bring steeve on a exploder infestation, it will most likely live a short life.

62. The ice storm & Hyper shot overclock's are a great combo to use on elimination, you just have to time the shot when a dread become's frozen.

63. Stunning a warden will prevent it from calling backup.

64. Ammo in a resupply will flash based on who's grabbing it.

65. Bunny hoping on the mule will prevent grunts & swammers from hitting you sometimes, does not apply to any other enemy.

66. If a swarm of bugs spawn in unannounced, it most likely means a wave is coming in a minute.

Currently this is a place holder in case i have to write more tips, probably makes my profile cluttered and ugly.

Also special thanks to Rise Of Delta for tip 24 & 45.

Foot note: i made a guide that is a copy and paste of l4d2 tips i had on my profile originally, although due to it being unlisted i cannot showcase it. If you want to view it click on ''guides'' on the right side of my profile and it should take you to it.

I assure you its helpful!
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*Insert Hazardous Environments here*
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grump9999 17 Nov, 2023 @ 11:36am 
Mutt has told me he doesn't want his Discord tag on his public profile, but if anyone needs to get his Discord, just friend and dm me
Arreats Might 1 Nov, 2023 @ 7:04pm 
@KeepTheBoxes It's looking very true :(
KeepTheBoxes 29 Oct, 2023 @ 5:02am 
can anyone say anything about him as of 10/29/23
grump9999 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
send me a friend request and i'll dm you @Jorgeflood
JorgeFlood 11 Aug, 2023 @ 1:00am 
@Gas , any word yet?
JorgeFlood 17 Jul, 2023 @ 12:40am 
@Graves what's his discord?