Semen Demon
Born in Potenza, Basilicata, I grew up in the neighboring town of Pietrapertosa. In 1993, I graduated with a degree in physics from the University of Pisa. By 1995, I started working for STMicroelectronics, initiating the company's foray into microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

I'm the inventor of a three-dimensional motion sensor initially designed for automobile airbags. After optimizing its size and cost, the sensor found its way into the Nintendo Wii console's wireless controller. This invention got me shortlisted among twelve candidates for the "European Inventor 2010" award by the European Patent Organization. Over the course of my career, I've registered more than a hundred patents.

On June 9, 2021, I was announced as the new CEO of FerrariPeek.
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Vitrine des captures d'écran
cherry waves 17 févr. à 5h36 
nice kog
HoChiMinhPeek 14 janv. à 3h10 
nice kog
Kotori 14 janv. à 3h09 
nice kog
Jasmin.wake 12 janv. à 12h23 
nice kog
Whitecaster 19 déc. 2024 à 6h36 
+rep insane play in gwyf✊
KatevonKitty 18 déc. 2024 à 11h46 