So tell me, why are you here?
Vert 🥁 15 giu, ore 21:43 
BIG SMOKE 9 set 2021, ore 11:10 
The girl you see in the avatar is not really her. He is actually a pirate from Somali who sold his wife and daughter to buy a potato PC and play kysgo. If he asks you to trade, block him immediately. This guy tried to scam me and steal my skinz. He also threatened to come to my house. Apparently, he does not know my address. Please stay away from this guy at all cost.
𐂃PepegaHasBenCry𐂃✉⁷¹ 2 ago 2019, ore 0:36 
add me, offer +Rep
Kumang RustyPot.com 1 ago 2019, ore 11:11 
DEVIN 16 lug 2019, ore 15:28 
[JEHU] ACID 15 lug 2019, ore 22:09 
+rep legit TRADER