
Norbik の最近のレビュー

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31件中 1-10 を表示
総プレイ時間:106.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:45.1時間)
Endless wandering and skirmishes every few meters with groups of creeps on procedurally generated labyrinth maps in search of the right nook.

Every fight with the boss is some kind of dark souls.
At some point during the fight with the boss, tired of all this and relaxed? Get a oneshot from a skill or be pinned down by his skills in a hopeless situation. Start the fight with the boss from the beginning.

If you like long runs through labyrinths, which very often lead to dead ends with nothing. Or you enjoy psychological torture, then this game is for you.
投稿日 2024年12月8日. 最終更新日 2024年12月10日
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The idea itself is very interesting, incredibly cool music, well-made models of the era and a lot of mechanics, any of which can be simply turned off if you don't like any of them.

All this is spoiled by overly complicated base mechanics, of which the game itself consists, and the description of buildings and normal tips are simply absent.

I was sure that I was stupid, so I have problems with the usual construction of a road, but imagine my surprise when some, judging by the already built city and configured production, experienced streamer for 20 minutes tried to evenly set up an overpass.
投稿日 2024年10月8日.
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総プレイ時間:269.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:269.5時間)
The game is relatively well optimized, looks good, but to be honest, without bias, it is poorly made.

There is no replayability, although you can literally spend thousands of hours in one save, the main part of your gameplay will consist of building and rebuilding the same thing over and over again, endless attempts to adjust the foundation and buildings at the right angle. Even without building super-duper complex schemes, you can complete the game quite quickly, and the game itself consists of collecting certain components to complete it. After the final stage, you can increase the production of components without any goal.

I first played the game a few years ago, but with the release of 1.0 I went back. Globally, nothing has changed.. new components were added, but old bugs that are several years old have not been fixed.

So that you understand what awaits you, if you decide, for example, to build a railway network, for several hundred hours you will try to find the right angle for building a railway. If you are playing for the first time, then most likely you will rebuild what you have already built more than once. And so every time, over and over again, the same thing. This is just some kind of theft of time from people's lives in a poorly made game.

p.s. I tamed 20 friendly creatures, and then all the hostile creatures on the entire map simply disappeared. Someone with complete confidence says that this is a limit on creatures from the developers, and somewhere it is written that 2 years ago people complained about the same bug. In any case, this is an indicator of the incompetence of the developers. Either they haven't been able to fix a bug for over 2 years that simply breaks an interesting mechanic in the game that they spent a significant amount of time developing, or they decided that a good game design decision would be to let me have 20 useless friendly creatures in my base, but remove all the hostile creatures from the map that made the world feel more alive.
投稿日 2024年9月13日. 最終更新日 2024年9月28日
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Just at start died at the base next to the standing helicopter for no reason. After returning to my body in less than 10 seconds, my body was already looted by someone from my team. Thanks he didn't run away with my stuff to the trader and gave it all back.

I was sure that I was the only dumbass who managed to die from a standing heli, but imagine my surprise when, after returning from the raid, another corpse lay in the same place.


I don’t have the newest and most powerful video card, but changing the settings from maximum to minimum gives an extremely insignificant increase.
It seemed to me that the game was optimized simply disgustingly, significant drops in FPS when simply entering a building.
It looks like the developers’ idea was a success - they managed to copy not only some functionality from Tarkov, but also poor performance.

投稿日 2024年4月30日.
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I want to express my respect to the developer for the fact that he not only invested time and effort into creating the game, but also introduced some, albeit small, innovations.

For just one negative review I might be called a clown, but the game is made at an extremely basic level. So many years of development, so much hype, but for what? For the sake of meager functionality and features that you can fully get acquainted with in a few hours at a relaxed pace?

If I'm not mistaken, the game was made by one person, but I, as a player, evaluate the end result, and not how many people put their efforts into development.
投稿日 2024年4月26日.
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総プレイ時間:50.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.6時間)
At the time of writing my first review about the game, I played about 10 hours. I had a strong negative impression of the game, so I deleted it after publishing the review.

The very next day I installed it again. Despite numerous disadvantages, there were also advantages - the ability to trade, build and upgrade not just one, but many characters at once.

After 50 hours of playing I'm just tired. Everything is implemented at a very basic level, and the constant loading is starting to drive me crazy.

An incredibly boring map, not only in terms of variety, but also in terms of simulation of the life of the world, turning the journey into monotony. There are bobbleheads running around the map in the form of different creatures, which can simply run past, fight among themselves, or attack you if you have stopped paying attention on how your guys travel across an empty, monotonous map with constant loads.

I love these kinds of games, but in this one I constantly catch myself thinking that I'm wasting my life on some kind of nonsense.
投稿日 2024年4月2日. 最終更新日 2024年4月9日
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総プレイ時間:58.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:43.4時間)
I deleted my previous review, which I wrote after just over 2 hours of play.
Even then, I left a negative review and returned the money, but after seeing all these rave reviews and high ratings, I decided to give the game a second chance.

You can throw clowns at me, but I completed all the main and almost all side quests, and visited absolutely all the locations in the game that are currently available. I think after more than 40 hours, I had a strong opinion about the game, although I understood what it was like within the first few hours.

Surely you will see that I played it after writing the review, but this does not mean that my opinion has changed.

----- Mini Review -----
I was going to write an extensive review, but I realized that there was no point. Yes, the game has an expanded combat system, an average game world. The main problem with this game is the lack of content. I will encounter a lot of negativity, but I strongly do not recommend the game.

To understand what the whole game will be like, play it for about 2 hours in order to have time to return the money. You may be tempted by the desire to explore the game world, but you should understand that your entire gameplay will consist of 2 types of quests - find and bring, and kill the boss, that’s all.

The world is absolutely static, the number of activities is very limited. Yes, there are different biomes and a small number of hostile NPCs. After 4-6 hours you will begin to get very tired of it, this feeling will only intensify.

I didn’t like Valheim, but even there everything seemed much more interesting, and in the Conan Exilles grind, the grind and the very movement around the world is much more enjoyable, at least for me.

Perhaps the guys who are responsible for the development of this game are very good, but the game is not worth not only your money, but also your time.
投稿日 2024年1月25日. 最終更新日 2024年1月31日
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総プレイ時間:9.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.7時間)
It looks like the game was abandoned, since the game rework what was already 80% done, announced in 2022, has not yet been published and there were no other news from the studio.
投稿日 2024年1月11日.
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総プレイ時間:16.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.7時間)
This is not what you would expect from an experienced game designer.
Overall, this is a very average game in all aspects. I love grinding, but it's not fun here at all.
I'd rather have a good burrito and a Coke over this game.

I've played on the another account with all the additions and this is what I can say:

Absolutely disgusting map design... both the specific details and the transition between biomes. If the temperate biome is okay, then the desert and icy biomes are almost empty. On the sides you have mountains, just like in the temperate biome, but instead of trees and vegetation you have an empty clearing, along which several species of animals walk, it looks just ridiculous.

The character improvement tree is simply a masterpiece. Duplicate and absolutely meaningless skills - reducing damage from a falling tree, reducing the weight of base building elements. Yes, dear Dean Hall, I love running around your “beautiful” map with a full inventory of building elements.

The missions in this game are also masterpieces. Embark on a breathtaking expedition across an already familiar map, where you will need to run from one point to another. After running for 30-40 minutes, return back to the ship and complete the task. You have a week to do this, get 120 points. Or take a task in a special building, grow 30 grains in 5 minutes and get 30 points!

Getting experience in a nutshell:
Cutting up a small scorpion - 4 thousand experience.
Butcher an elephant - 2 thousand experience.

I believe that the original idea was to make sessional landings on the planet to accomplish some goals and return before the timer expired. This might be something a lot of people would like, but not when you land on the same planet every time....why not create a procedural generation system rather than this crap you call a map. It's just disgusting. Moreover, not only the first map is disgusting, but also the second and at least several maps for the outpost mode.

I see no point in describing the game further if Dean Hall and his team did not consider it necessary to put more effort into creating their game than I did into writing this review.
投稿日 2023年12月1日. 最終更新日 2023年12月5日
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While the game couldn't be called groundbreaking or even up to the standards of the time, considering what games were coming out at the time, with the right amount of attention from the publisher, it could have been turned into a highly successful, niche franchise.

Now it’s simply unplayable.. Disgusting graphics, poor gameplay.
There is absolutely no point in buying this part of the game, because you can pay extra and buy a more modern version of the game.

If you like the type of gameplay itself, then I highly recommend Capitalism Lab. It is a more modern version of this game with nice graphics, a little more sophisticated gameplay and constant updates. Unfortunately, the game cannot be found on Steam, but only on the developer’s website.
投稿日 2023年11月27日. 最終更新日 2023年11月27日
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