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68.6 hrs on record
This is easily the most immersive game I've ever played. At first I was a bit skeptical but the game is just so good.
10/10, will play it the second time and maybe even more than that
Posted 22 September, 2024.
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19.9 hrs on record
11/10 game. It exceeded all expectations I had.
This is the first God of War game that I've ever played.

Outstanding graphics
Outstanding narrative design
Outstanding story
Outstanding soundtrack
Excellent combat
Amazing setting
Perfect game design, keeps you engaged at all times

Absolutely recommend this game to everyone
Posted 3 July, 2024.
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192.2 hrs on record (173.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
While I do recommend the game, it has a big list of important problems that need to be addressed.

- It's an immersive game that gives a unique experience;
- Pretty unique style;
- A great variety of biomes, enemies and resources;
- Addictive construction system;
- Great choice of weapons and good armour set options;
- Chill music;
- Ability to play with friends;
- Rich world customization;
- Presence of cheats;
- Modding support.

- Balance. The balance in the game is bad, imo. Going from one biome to another is a guaranteed death. I've cheated myself best weapons and armour for Ashlands and I still feel that enemies outmatch me; I can only imagine how frustrating it would've been if I had to craft and upgrade all that equipment myself; This is not a Dark Souls game so I don't understand why it has to be this hard. I use default World settings and default World difficulty;
- Very slow grind. It feels that the game is artificially slowed down by this. I could progress faster if I wasn't bottlenecked with grinding;
- Ability to loose all your items upon death and having to travel long distances to pick them up, while being exposed to very strong enemies and the further into biomes you are, the more difficult it becomes. I know there's a setting to disable this but it should be disabled by default. I've lost so many hours just because I didn't know about this setting before;
- Non-portable items, such as metal or special rewards. Again, this artificially slows down the game pacing and rather brings frustration than anything else. I know there's a new type of teleports that allow all items to be teleported but it should've been like this from the very beginning. We had to juggle our items between 2 servers in order to teleport it. Why restrict it, if it can still be done? And if it couldn't be done, still, why restrict it?
- THE GAME IS TOO DARK. It's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 50 shades of dark. Please, find a way to improve this. I have to close the curtains, put on my glasses and set an nvidia filter to artificially make the game brighter. This isn't very healthy to an individual, I often get real headaches after spending 2+ hours in a game where I always have to strain my eyes. Show some care to your players wellbeing, please.

Summary: It's a great and immersive game, with many features that bring you a real joy, however it comes with a big sorrow portion, where you get frustrated a lot. The game pace will feel artificial and punishing for making the slightest mistakes. A combination of bad balancing, slow grind and other minor issues makes me say this to a customer: Please, be very considerate when you buy this game. It can be fun but it can also waste hours of your life for no fun exchange.
Posted 10 June, 2024.
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13.4 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
Probably the scariest game I've played so far. The devs know how to keep you engaged, the puzzles feel really good, the plot is nice, the intensity of horror moments is on point.
Posted 12 May, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
141.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Sadly, the game doesn't evolve, there is no novelty in the game and the developers rework existing mechanics over and over again.
The UI / UX is extremely bad. While it has a richer functionality than the old one, it is exceptionally counter intuitive how to use it, especially the Loadout / Items window.
The progression update was a step in the right direction, however it was horribly executed. I've spent hundreds of hours on the game and I have to start over from the very scratch! I can't purchase decent items, I cannot play any map I want.
I wish the developers focused more on the gameplay and new features, instead of reworking UI, items, graphics, 3d assets, weather, lighting, etc.

The old Phasmophobia was really fun to play and it was engaging. But the new Phasmophobia is the opposite. You install the game, play it one time and delete the game in hope not to ruin good old memories of good old Phasmo.

Overall I think the devs have taken a wrong direction. They should focus on new mechanics and base game replayability.
Posted 1 January, 2024. Last edited 1 January, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
10.5 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
My biggest concern is that I struggle to find a full lobby.
It takes me about 5 minutes to find a game and then it's mostly cross-play players and I had only seen once that my lobby was full! Even more, I never seen anybody joining mid-game, playing co-op campaign is just boring with 1 person... Just checked the steam charts and l4d2 has ~30% bigger online than b4b and that's considering b4b has a cross-play on multiple platforms.
Another problem with this game is that you can't just pick any random map you like and play it, you have to do them in their order and unlock them one by one. This doesn't sound bad right? But the way game handles this is buggy. I finished Act 1 with my mate and then when I tried to host a new campaign I could only select chapter 4 (The Crossing), which isn't even 50% of Act 1. How is this enjoyable?
Overall the game is needless complicated, the new items system and card system are just a downgrades, compared to l4d2. Game lacks in variety. I can list lots of things this game done wrong compared to what the devs had done in l4d2.
There are some positive sides of this game, I really love the graphics, I like that it's still a zombie co-op game but it lacks in variety and atmosphere as well as has overly complicated features that are just redundant. And of course the biggest problem is if you can't find online matches, what's even the point to play this game?
Having this said, combined with game price, I cannot recommend this game.
Posted 4 November, 2021.
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283.1 hrs on record (244.7 hrs at review time)
Attila looks very promising for both: playing the game and for modding it. New game mechanics look amazing! The audio in the game is stunning!.

The only big problem is the performance issues. The game requires very a powerful PC rig. Hope it will be optimized sooner or later.
Posted 17 February, 2015. Last edited 7 September, 2024.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries