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NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY Original artworks by subaru01rins: DeviantArt - I AM YOUR MELODY DeviantArt - BAD_SECTOR Change-log: Added a new image that can be switched to with the first option within the wallpaper settings. Subtle movement add
6,401 ratings
Created by - Arthur
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Ronie2k 8 Jan, 2024 @ 11:38am 
hello I have serious business offer, accept please, you will not regret it
Tunana 24 Jul, 2023 @ 7:39am 
Hey! Congratulations. You have the honor of receiving a yearly profile blessing from me for the first time. Sending you good vibes c: I hope this year brings you many positive things~
Fonzius 8 Apr, 2018 @ 1:08pm 
 ∧∧ ∩
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Fonzius 15 Mar, 2018 @ 7:20pm 
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Fonzius 10 Mar, 2018 @ 9:44pm 
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Fonzius 12 Dec, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
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