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7 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Western Press is a fast typing duel game, where you are pitted against bots or players to see who types a long word fastest.
On paper, this is a good idea and I love typing games, but once you figure out it's actually NOT a typing game, here lies the problem:

1) Nice pixelart
2) Cool idea
3) Low price

1) The words are shown vertically rather than horizonally, which turns the game into a QTE button masher. (which explains why a controller is supported)
2) No one plays online (tried on Saturday)

If you are looking for a typing game, try Typing of the Dead.
If you find a QTE game interesting enough, give this one a shot, it's not expensive at all, and probably worth it for that and for that only.
Posted 15 July, 2017.
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13.4 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)

Probably the best character action game, except Bayonetta 2
Really fluid "easy to learn, hard to master" combat, with a large amount of different combos. Each combo is different by having it complete faster or slower, delivering less or more damage at the expense of leaving you vulnerable.
Barely coherent popcorn-style japanese story
Uses a little over 1GB VRAM at highest settings, locked at 60fps, resolution can go up to 4K
It's PlatinumGames... It's Bayonetta...

Instant-death, "press X to not die" QTEs in cutscenes - not a fan
Game loads so quickly (1-2 seconds on SSD), you can't practise combos in loading screen

Well worth $20 and one of the best action games from the past few years.
If you've played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or DmC and wanted more of that - this is it.
Posted 12 April, 2017. Last edited 12 April, 2017.
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271.0 hrs on record (259.0 hrs at review time)
Rocket League is a game about cars and football for people who don't like games feature either one individually. It is also extremely competitive.

In the first 10 hours, you'll figure out how to properly hit the ball.
At 20 hours, you'll learn how to use the wall correctly.
At 40 hours, you'll score your first aerial goal.
At 100 hours, you'll remember how to hit the ball.
At 200+ hours, I had to relearn how to aerial.
Posted 22 December, 2016.
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75.7 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
The city builder people deserve.

Looking back, it has been a while since I've played a game like that, probably since Sim City 4. I've had Cities XL (no relation by the way) for a while but never tried it. C:S came out early in 2015 and won much praise from critics and gamers, probably still hurting over the lackluster SimCity.

Having played this for 25 hours, I can say that it is exactly what people needed - big maps, a lot of systems to manage, tiered unlockable features for having a high amount of citizens and more. The game itself is very streamlined and should appeal to veterans and newcomers alike.

I feel that developing a city isn't too hard (although I did screw up on my first attempt, leaving me with no cash) but should prove entertaining enough to keep going. While it is possible that at some point the city will be come mostly self-sufficient and you will not need to do much to maintain it other than expanding.

In addition, the game has an extensive modding community, adding much needed variety to pretty much every section of the game. I know of at least one former Maxis developer who makes mods for this game.

With this game and its expansions, look no further for a city management game.
Posted 20 February, 2016.
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25.4 hrs on record (23.1 hrs at review time)
It's another year and another Call of Duty. You can say what you want about the series, but the fact is, they pack these games with a lot of things to do. Every year you get a campaign, a co-op mode of some description, and the usual multiplayer fare.

This year we were treated to a very interesting campaign (with voice acting from Ben Browder nonetheless!) about cybernetics and loss of one's identity in the always-networked world of the future. The zombies mode is back, and from my playtime on it - it's quite hard, and you get swarmed pretty fast.

The multiplayer is your usual Call of Duty fare - shoot fast, die young, leave a ragdolling corpse. This time, however, you get something new - Classes. Each one has different unlockable and changeable abilities which charge over time based on your performance and can provide you additional advantage in the battlefield. Occasionally you might find some of those abilities overpowering others. For example, the Outrider's sparrow bow fires explosive shots, or the Ruin's Gravity Spikes, which are similar to a slam on the ground. Suffice to say, these kill instantly. In addition, wall-running is back, but it still feels clunky and some maps look like they were designed with these in mind, therefore avenues of approach with this are limited and anticipated.

Also this time, PC gamers got dedicated servers, and upcoming modding tools which will hopefully keep the community on this game running for a while.

Sadly, performance on PC is rather poor, with some general lack of optimization and stuttering is visible and is annoying. Hopefully they will sort it out.

All-in-all, this is one of the better Call of Duties and definitely a good follow-up to Advanced Warfare. However, if you are looking for a more modern approach however, look elsewhere.

TL;DR - Good CoD compared to the recent crop. Questionable performance on PC, so you might need a better rig than you think, but this game's content and dedicated servers as well as interesting campaign will keep playing invested for some time.
Posted 20 February, 2016.
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4.6 hrs on record
Dem Feels: The Adventure Game
Posted 1 April, 2014.
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30.9 hrs on record (22.4 hrs at review time)
Best spectacle fighter on PC.
Posted 21 February, 2014.
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30.1 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
With a somewhat heavy heart, I cannot quite recommend this.

There aren't too many tactical RPGs from Japan on the PC, so this on itself makes it unique. If you are into turn-based combat with a decent story (in a JRPG sense) and some RPG elements, it might be up your alley. In addition, there are some dating sim elements as this game takes over generations with your offspring taking over each generation (and its stats depends on yours and your bride's attributes)

That being said, the combat is EXTREMELY repetitive and the game takes a long time to get anywhere storyline-wise. You will usually beat most of the fights (assuming they don't overwhelm you) with the same strategy. Perhaps this changes in later generations, but I am still at the first generation (there are five). So there is a chance this game will bore you out eventually.
All in all, it's not bad if you can get it on a discount. This might be best for you as a game where you usually do something else (like watching a film listening to podcasts), even though the battle music is pretty awesome.
Posted 8 January, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
21.9 hrs on record (15.0 hrs at review time)
Extremely well-made, colorful, replayable spectacal fighter. The combat is very fluid in a way of 'easy to play, hard to master' (although not as hard).
Story is average and the main character is a douche, but you shouldn't care about those because the combat is very satisfying.
Also, one of the best PC ports I've seen yet. (+200 fps on a modern AAA game).
Posted 28 December, 2013.
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143.8 hrs on record (113.7 hrs at review time)
If you're like me, then you like shooting things aimlessly from the first person perspective while getting weird, exotic loot for it, in a bizarre scifi world inhabited by characters who like to say stupid things - THEN THIS GAME IS FOR YOU!

If you didn't like the first Borderlands, don't bother.
Posted 10 November, 2013.
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