Alex poley   Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil
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Godziny gry
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 31 lipca o 17:33 
🌺✨Don’t let small minds convince you your dreams are too big 💫✨
S h i r o <3 11 czerwca o 3:24 
Can we get me to 20K comments?
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 5 czerwca o 19:33 
:neonbl: The things we take for granted someone else is wishing for 🌺✨ :neonbr:
:azuki2: Let any little sign of progress be a reminder that you can do this 🍄✨
󠁿󠁳⁧⁧󠁿󠁿 Brynn 10 kwietnia o 17:05 
:sleeping_bird: Every day you don't give up is a day you win! :contented_bird:
Nebul0sa ♡ 18 marca o 10:26 
Saudades eternas, eterno Polyn… que Deus possa confortar o coração da família 😢😢😢