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Class: Avenger

Master: ------------
Name: -----------
True Name: Angra Mainyu
Sex: Male
Height/Weight: 174cm 64kg
Alignment: Benevolent Evil

Strength: A++
Endurance: C--
Agility: B
Magical Energy: A
Luck: E+
Noble Phantasm: ??

Class Abilities:
Avenger: A
Existence Outside the Domain: E-
Independent Action: EX
Magic Resistance: D
Self Replenishment (Mana): D


Magecraft: EX

A competent level of knowledge regarding traditional magecraft courtesy of a certain priest has granted this skill. The skill's rank is increased from C- to B+ due to Avenger's near encyclopedic knowledge base regarding homunculi, puppet bodies, and spirit/soul transference. However, his status as the student of a Magician and practitioner of the Second True Magic, Kaleidoscope, elevates the skill beyond any standard measurement.

Monstrous Strength: A

Becoming an Apostle Ancestor and assimilating Angra Mainyu along with a portion of the grail's power has resulted in a large boost in raw strength, which Avenger uses to wield monstrous weapons with ease. As a result, however, his endurance drops exponentially the longer he fights, especially if dual wielding. This can be mitigated through use of lighter weaponry and Reinforcement.

Personification of Wrath: EX

The fused remnants of both Nrvnqsr Chaos and the original Angra Mainyu in conjunction with Avenger's desire for retribution after humanity's extinction . This skill is only usable when summoned as Grand Avenger .

Projection/Gradation Air/Tracing: C

Knowledge gained from both Archer and Shirou has resulted in Avenger being able to copy their unique version of this skill. However, the limitations of average Structural Analysis and not being an Incarnation of Sword have caused the skill to drop by two ranks.

Noble Phantasm:
Cursed Blade Works
Evil Sword Duplication

My body is reforged with blades
Void is my Soul, Cursed is my blood
I have triumphed over all the evils of the world
Never having known Death
Yet no longer knowing Life
I sink downward forging blades among an endless abyss
Yet those I protect restore my humanity
Thus, my Soul is transformed...Cursed Blade Works

A Reality Marble copied from a Reality Marble. A fake of a Fake, every duplicated weapon is reduced by at least one rank. Additionally, only weapons that embody the concept of "Sword" can be stored and duplicated.

Unlike the original UBW, defensive equipment cannot even be stored, much less copied, with the sole exception of a corrupted form of Aegis. Furthermore, limitations imposed by the identity of the user have made it impossible for any weapon, other than a black key, that is not considered "evil" or "neutral" to be duplicated.

Rank: E - A+
Type: ????
Range: ??
Maximum Target: ??

Soul Eater

Allegedly, Gram was the sword used by Sigurd in the Völsunga saga. However, it no longer retains most of its original properties aside from its inherent status as a demonic sword. Additionally, in order to reforge it, the broken pieces of the blade were fused with a combination of magecraft, True Magic, and smithing techniques. The end result was a large slab of distorted metal that requires an inhuman amount of strength to properly wield.

The broken fragments of the blade once thought lost to time were supposedly discovered and appropriated by the Burial Agency to be sealed away, likely because of it's demonic influence. However, after a certain incident involving the Tenth Ancestor, they were "convinced" to part with the remains. The blade was then reforged, effectively bonding with its new wielder and becoming one of the only Noble Phantasms wielded within the modern age.

It is now capable of devouring souls, and after draining them of their very essence, the empty shell is regurgitated. The energy it stores is used fuel to cloak itself in a manner similar to invisible air. The more souls it consumes, the darker and thicker the shroud becomes.

Despite Avenger's inability to make use of the original Avenger's Verg Avesta despite inheriting said noble phantasm, Gram has seemingly assimilated it to augment itself. The end result is that damage dealt when wielding Gram will bypass the physical body, diffracting the soul at a conceptual level. However, this ability can only used under specific conditions.

By invoking Gram's name, Avenger can shred the very fabric of space within a given radius inside his line of sight. When used in combination with the Second, the number of cuts can approach infinity. When Verg Avesta is invoked, the target's soul is shredded at a conceptual level.

Rank: C+ -- EX
Type: Anti-Unit/Spirit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1 - 99
Maximum Target: 1
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MoridinGaming 17 Feb, 2016 @ 8:22pm 
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