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85.4 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Imagine if Battlefield Bad Company 2 had a baby with Unturned.
It runs on toasters, it's solid battlefield gameplay, maps are decent (though we are still waiting on custom maps), 127v127 is pretty lit, the guns feel good and offer lots of customization options, you'll get called a rat if you snipe, you can attach c4 to the recon drones for funny moments, its got voice chat with the enemy team, what are you waiting for?
On your feet solider, we are LEAVING
Posted 31 August, 2023.
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40.0 hrs on record (28.9 hrs at review time)
I came to this game essentially off the back of beating Elden Ring and I wish I had played it sooner it is an outstanding game

Every boss fight in this game feels cinematic, combat has a nice flow to it that feels more like a dance then anything; this game has the best parrying feel in a game I've ever played; I personally believe it is the "fairest" out of all the Fromsoft games, at no point did I ever feel like I was cheated by a boss to death; and, while I think the story is a little whacky, it's setting is beautifully done and it takes itself seriously.
Posted 24 August, 2022.
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262.7 hrs on record (179.8 hrs at review time)
I whole-heartedly recommend this game to any gamer out there who has been feeling a little burnt out with the current industry. This game was beautifully crafted and you can see the love the developers put behind it.

If you're new to the souls genre this game is where you should start in my opinion.

It is a tough game but fair. Some of these bosses took me hours of attempts which admittedly was my own fault since I wanted to clear them solo with no spirit summons (basically npc pokemon that help you fight / distract the enemy) at least once. But you don't have to play it my way. You can play it anyway you want, there are loads of people who will help you with any boss you're struggling on and if you're offline only gamer the game has you covered with npc summons and spirit ashes.

From Software has consistently put out good games over the years and I greatly look forward to DLC releases for this game.

Don't give up, you can do this.
Posted 24 August, 2022.
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31.5 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
I want you to think of the most intense, involved, dangerous boss you've ever fought in a video game.

Got it in your head? Good.

This game has got a harder one.

This game is going to frustrate you. Its going to test you.

Yet, this game is going to reward you. Every boss you fight is hard at first. There is an incredible learning curve. Some bosses even end up becoming regular enemies later on.

-- Line Here --

I'm roughly 15 hours into the gameplay and just figured out I'm about to reach early-mid game. Yet from what I've played:

The game is incredibly long and involved. Hours upon hours of exploring a massive labrinth of a game world. If you can a structure or area off into the distance, you'll go there and fight an epic creature there.

You play not as an immortal bad ass hero that has become the norm in current video games but as a fallable undead that can die (again?) fairly easily and fairly often. There are no immortals here. The world is dying. The Age of Heroes has reached its end point. (You can eliminate the remnant deranged psychotic vestiages of heroes if you think you're skilled enough) Fight skeletons, warlocks, (insert color here) knights, dragons, dragons undergoing open heart surgery, sleepy undead dragons, giants, golems, chests, attractive spider demons, giant wolf that makes you get the feels, gods, kings, any form of demon you can think of, lava babies, and even other more skilled players.

Strap up, Strap On, and Strap In. You're in for one damn good adventure.

Oh, and before I forget. Have you praised the sun recently?
Posted 28 June, 2014. Last edited 28 June, 2014.
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