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1 person found this review helpful
45.1 hrs on record (42.0 hrs at review time)
Ako veľký fanúšik Kingdom Come: Deliverance som neodolal a hru si predobjednal. Nedokázal som sa dočkať, kedy vyjde, a zároveň som sa obával, že si ju nechtiac vyspoilerujem z videí alebo recenzií. Túžil som po unikátnom zážitku, a preto som chcel ísť do hry úplne naslepo.

Už po prvej hodine hrania som vedel, že to stálo za to. Príbeh ma od začiatku úplne dostal, a hra ako taká ešte viac. Všetko bežalo hladko – nemám žiadny nadupaný počítač, ale táto hra mi ide až prekvapivo dobre. Herné mechaniky a príbeh ma tak vtiahli do deja, že ma to neskutočne prekvapilo. Väčšinou pri hre nevydržím dlhšie ako dve hodiny, no pri tejto som sa prichytil ako mi ubehla polka dňa a to ani neviem ako.

Takýto zážitok som mal naposledy, keď som ako chlapec hrával Gothic 2, neskôr GTA V a samozrejme prvé KCD. V čase, keď píšem túto recenziu, mám za sebou už 42 hodín hrania a pomalým tempom objavujem svet, kochám sa krásou českej prírody a naplno si vychutnávam skvelý príbeh.

Posted 9 February.
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8.4 hrs on record
I stumbled upon this program completely by chance while scrolling through Steam. After watching a few videos and reading reviews, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. For context, I have an RTX 3070 Ti, which either doesn’t support the latest DLSS software or does, but I’m not entirely sure about the specifics. Despite that, I decided to give this program a try, and the results genuinely shocked me.

I tested it with a few single-player games, and the difference was incredible. For example, Indiana Jones jumped from 60 FPS—which was already playable—to 120 FPS, and the improvement was immediately noticeable. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 went from 90 FPS to 180 FPS, which was just amazing!

That said, I don’t really prefer the 3x or 4x FPS boosts, as I can start noticing some AI-related visual glitches. However, doubling the FPS (2x) works perfectly fine for me, with minimal issues. Occasionally, I notice my crosshair duplicating for just a millisecond, but it only happens in very specific environments.

Maybe the latest DLSS software is better, but since I don’t have access to it, this program is a fantastic alternative. In conclusion, if you’re looking for smoother gameplay, I highly recommend giving this a try!
Posted 9 February.
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1,776.0 hrs on record (613.6 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Still the best competetive game on market.
Posted 25 November, 2018.
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