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Recent reviews by Mioure

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14.2 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A fun and innovative game that has simple enough tasks to learn, and quick rounds that lead to chaos and fun moments.
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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57.2 hrs on record (55.7 hrs at review time)
A Faithful recreation of the original game, with added survivors and settings to keep the game fresh. Your ability to fail multiple times, or break the game until it crashes will be determined by your skill in quickly matching items that work well together, and outsmarting the enemies.

Although harder than Risk of Rain 2, Returns is definitely a recommendation for anyone looking for party play.
Posted 23 November, 2023.
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87.2 hrs on record (79.0 hrs at review time)
Black Desert works well for those who are looking for a true action combat mmorpg, however where Black Desert shines, it also lacks. The amount of space needed for the game is reasonable when taking into consideration the multiple zones without a loading screen, but this also caused problems for some of my friends. I know the space required was touched up upon, but the general lack of any real interaction between the Black Desert development team and the community hinders the overall progress of the game.

Dont get me wrong, the Game is fun completely to the core, and the grind is to be expected, but the constant disconnects and server issues only met with lackluster responses and compensation leaves little to be desired for the publishing company. I understand that the game cannot be modified in terms of content as it is mostly the publishers having issues, but at least give us reasonable server uptime and progressional stances on stability.
Posted 25 November, 2017.
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23.0 hrs on record (22.8 hrs at review time)
Salt and Sanctuary is a perfect recreation of an already perfect game. Similar to the Dark Souls games, S&S Takes a new direction in making is a Platformer with co-optional gameplay. My family and I had the time of our lives not only trying to survive, but seeing how many times the other could die in the dumbest ways. I would recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of more serious combat and unforgiving mechanics. It took hours to learn and clear a single boss in the later game. A game worth playing.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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3.1 hrs on record
I knew the game was going to be a great narrative before even buying it. At the beginning, I felt the controls were odd and it would be better as a co-op game like most others, but by the end, I understood why it was Single-Player. The story is amazing, the art is amazing, and the characters were amazing. A great experience all around, and I was happy to see the achievements were tied to side-stories instead of the main one.
Posted 24 December, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Dig or Die is a nice touch to the 2D sandbox genre. It easily combines Tower Defense elements with physics and a strong sense of survival. Graphics have some time getting used to, but blends together nicely. The only issues I found was the questionable save system and the structural physics. For someone who prefers casual games with a mix of hardcore elements, the structures in this game require knowledge of basic construction and more often than not hinders half of the creativity games like this want to become. If you don't know what I'm talking about, all of your buildings and creations must follow physical properties and be well supported, along with being not too heavy. I understand the appeal, but It doesnt suit a sandbox game in my opinion. Lastly the save system needs to be completely revamped. Currently your game auto-saves after every night but can be manually saved at any time. If your character dies, its gone forever until you reload a previous save. This means you lose everything you obtain between saves and amplifies the feeling of dread when a simple respawn system would fix this.

I understand the game is not complete. If you enjoy a sanbox game with a slice of realism go for it. Until multiplayer is added, I do not see this game even coming close to the behemoths of Terraria and Starbound. Overall, A good game, with niche mechanics.
Posted 1 September, 2015. Last edited 2 September, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
In our current world where 3D graphics and shading are in almost every game, RPG MO is a nice step back to simpler times. I may be old, but I can still enjoy a game with the littlest of mechanics and basic features. With personal taste aside, RPG MO is covered in a nice coating of Nostalgia. With some of the worst graphics and lackluster gameplay, its simplicity and callback to older titles makes it a pure Gem. Although not recommended to indulge days of your life, it has a spot in my library for being a relaxing time waster and and overall enjoyable experience. If Nostalgia isn't enough for you, you can use RPG MO to play Cow farming simulator by using the !m00 command.
Posted 21 August, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
44.7 hrs on record (22.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Brawlhalla is an amazing experience for anyone wanting to try out an indie version of super smash brothers. The cast of characters feel unique and each one has their own abilities. However in all of the praise Brawlhalla has been getting, people may be blinded by the current flaws this game presents. It features a set of stats for each character, which isn't unheard of, but also includes a variety of enhancements that can change the characters stats drastically. This provides inconsistancy with characters and makes playing the game more of trial and error than learning every character's strengths and weaknesses. Although this system is not in play for online matches, they intend to allow the enhancements in further patches, closer to release. This isn't the only thing that proves to be an issue; ranked 1v1s are also on the negative side of things. The current elo system makes it difficult if not impossible to climb higher in rank. You lose about the same amount of points that you gain, making the system favor getting wins over actually doing well. In addition to that, the matchmaking for ranked needs a bit of tweaking to suit more people in general. Currently, one of any rank can be matched up with people as high as 3 tiers above them. (Ranks go as Bronze 0~5, 5 being the highest, Silver 0~5, and so on.) This means someone in Silver 4 can easily be paired with a Gold 1 and vise versa. In a system where the difference between any two tiers are the amount of wins, this can be overwhelming. It is true people with greater skill level can stand their ground and potentially beat higher opponents, but that is in far too few cases.

Overall Brawlhalla is a wonderful game and I recommend anyone try it out, however I do not recommend trying to 'climb the ranks' until release, as we don't know what to expect until the game is complete.
Posted 12 August, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries