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Recent reviews by Mikkelwolf

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388.7 hrs on record (350.7 hrs at review time)
Single best survival game out there.

Been playing it on and off since it came out, and the devs are really generous with adding new mechanics, items, regions etc., so it's hard to burn out. I honestly feel like they should make some of the stuff as DLC's, just so they get something in return for their hard work.

The game itself gives you the closest feeling to being trapped alone in the wild, that any game could ever give you. It has a real sense of realism, even though the looks are cartoonish in its own way. Extremely beautiful, yet harsh, scenery.
Posted 19 June, 2022.
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11 people found this review helpful
61.4 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Som KÆMPE fan af Mafia II (mafia ii gennemført ~3 gange), var jeg mega hypet for dette spil.
Efter de første ~8 timer, var jeg meget positiv overfor hvordan spillet var opbygget. De formår at gøre historien unik fra mange andre spil, bl.a. ved brug af flashbacks/flashforwards, og episke cutscenes. Samt en mega overdrevet lækker grafik!

MEN! Jeg må desværre sige, at jeg endte med, skuffet, at forlade spillet, efter de 18-19 timers gameplay. Gameplayet er simpelthen bare for kedeligt. Som sagt, er historien virkelig velskrevet, og jeg er sikker på at slutningen er ganske fin - men det hvad nytter det, hvis man aldrig når dertil. Ud af de ca. 18 timer, som jeg har spillet, har jeg brugt omtrent halvdelen (sikkert mere), på at køre frem og tilbage, mellem diverse destinationer, for at gøre det samme.. igen.. og igen.. og igen.. og igen! Ensformigt!

Når halvdelen af et spil består af den samme mission, forskellige steder, kan det umuligt få andet end en meget skuffende, og trist, thumbs down. :(
Posted 23 July, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
11.4 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just as good as the real thing. :)
Posted 4 January, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.2 hrs on record
Has some good mechanics. Didn't notice any bugs or anything. Overall great game. Can be a bit tough the first few levels, but you'll quickly get the hang of it. The story is a bit thin, but what else do you expect from something that looks like a browser game.. :P

8/10, story mode could be longer
Posted 31 July, 2016.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries