Chad Hungwell
Rykerys 8 พ.ย. 2022 @ 8: 03am 
In my dreams, Eminem has me pinned against a wall. He's doing something to me. I don't what that is, but it feels good. Very good. In this dream I don't feel scared. I don't feel fear. Just calmness. I can't see Slim Shady under the hood, but I know he's smiling. He's enjoying it because I like it and he knows I like it. In fact my entire body is vibrating with an ecstatic feeling of pleasure. Something runs down my legs and they shake, and a wet sounds fill...the tunnel, we're in a tunnel. Wet sounds. Shwck shwck swck and Jesus Christ I'm awake and I'm aware of the mess in my pants, but there's nothing sexual about the whole ordeal. It feels more like an appreciation.

This experience has changed the way that I view dreams. Yes, they represent our fears. But sometimes they represent our desires.