Shail 5 Dec, 2019 @ 9:00pm 
I have been playing First Person Shooters since a kid. Starting out in the Delta Force franchise published by Novalogic, and moving out into Counter Strike.
In my day-to day-life, I enjoy keeping fit, socialising with friends, and listening to music. I graduated with a Degree in Political Science, and I continue to maintain a strong interest in political and current affairs. I've worked for numerous political organisations, on top of writing for political journals, and I've lived 2 years in South America, spending most of that time in Colombia and Venezuela.
Although I feel like I'm getting old, I keep coming back to one of the hobbies that I've always loved - First Person Shooters. I remember the first time I ever entered a multiplayer server, and at the time it felt surreal being able to play with people from the other side of the world. Deep down, because of similar childhood memories, I'll always consider myself a gamer, even if I remain nostalgic for a Golden Era that has passed
Delta 19 Feb, 2019 @ 9:23am 
Zombie Master was rlly fun tbh
Krakza 12 Feb, 2018 @ 4:32pm 
+++ S k r u b D e t e k t +++

+++ I n i t i a t e E x t e r m i n a t u s+++
Lost 1 Feb, 2018 @ 6:09am 
Krakza 30 Sep, 2017 @ 7:22am 
Gay :duranceright:
FastFace 5 Aug, 2017 @ 10:41am 
+Rep^^ no camp^^ wp man^^ nice huntress gameplay^^
Neonrain 17 Jun, 2017 @ 7:12pm 
Woooww your the worst lol
Squonkie 17 Jun, 2017 @ 7:12pm 
U smell like ♥♥♥♥, Neon
Darkfire 15 Aug, 2016 @ 10:42pm 
End him rightly
~|Legion.Barriss|~ Rg4 8 May, 2016 @ 8:33pm 
Is very okay
Revolver Deadmon! 15 Dec, 2014 @ 10:29pm 
more like he needs to stop making kiddies cry with his character's face
Skymes 23 Mar, 2014 @ 2:45am 
Zomniac 29 Dec, 2013 @ 7:21am 
Innit Bruv
Revolver Deadmon! 22 Sep, 2013 @ 4:53pm 
the worst at video games
TheMinxLynx 19 Apr, 2013 @ 2:29am 
You haven't had any comments in a while. Here, have this one. If you don't like it, too bad. It's non-refundable.
TheMinxLynx 15 Dec, 2012 @ 4:28pm 
Second. <3
Skymes 20 May, 2012 @ 4:20pm 