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Transactions sur le marché
GITCOIN GIVEAWAY 7 janv. 2020 à 0h30 
Your Steam ID is chosen as a winner of Daily Giveaway.
You can get your ★ Butterfly | Slaughter on
MAGIC WIN 6 janv. 2020 à 13h45 
Your Steam ID is chosen as a winner of Daily Giveaway.
You can get your ★ Karambit | Fade on
Natacha 7 aout 2018 à 21h38 
Did you know there is a bot to trade your cases for keys? Any 6 cases for one cs go key
Bot's link in my profile
GAZEK 4 mars 2018 à 20h28 
Hello, I can give my vulcan ak for all of your csgo cases and graffities, so if you dont need them send me trade offer please. Trade link and Ak are in my main profile ( link in bio ) . I don't add friends at all so please dont add me , just send offer
Alt Merlongonee 15 févr. 2018 à 3h15 
Hi bro, I want trade my ak redline for all your cases or graffities. So if u dont need them just send me offer. My ak and tradelink in my main - . Dont add me i got limit, just send offer. Thanks
Curiosity 21 aout 2017 à 19h01 
add me i want to trade your skins and im willing to offer my nice and good knife