[Insert Real Name Here]
I'm just Meeper.

I'm not the one playing Supreme Commander 2.

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My tried and true, CLOWN 3! Got me through my first playthrough, got me to A rank qualifiers! Hoping to push past that barrier!
Favorite Game
Hours played
Kitchen Magnets
"Hello, it's me, Gustavo." - Gusta-- Squeaky.

"Gotta juke out these cats!" - Squeaky
"Wait, JUKEBOX CATS?" - :ftlmantis:

"AWGH NO MAWH WIFE EXPLODED!!" - :ftlmantis:
"I guess that's why it's called Halo." - Squeaky

"Satan can wait, I need wood right now." - Hurley

"You hit me with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monkey, that's what you did." - Hurley

"I'm the smartest one here with my -21 AQ." - Squeaky

"You know what you call eating milk? Cheese." - :ftlmantis:

"This bird-man just turned into a cheeseburger." - Hurley
"Bird burgers!" - Squeaky

"Make it uh.. lumberjack colored.. ah yes. that's what it's called.. 'Red.'" - :ftlmantis:

"Try and spank me now, ♥♥♥♥♥." - Alice

"I will make you the roots of my tree" - :ftlmantis:

"You know, when George Washington was born in like 2 B.C? He had Flintstones vitamins." - Hurley

"There he is... Big Chungo..." - Madds

"Ah-Crepe! Me lucky charrmz!" - :ftlmantis:

"Squeaky's in potato-chip denial." - Hurley + :ftlmantis: x2 Combo

"Guys, the lesson I truly learned during Helldivers is the best strategy is leaving you two to die." - :ftlmantis: to Hurley and Squeaky.
"IT'S NOT MY FAULT" - Hurley as the grenade blasts me into bits.

"OH CRAP I HAVE TO GO TO WORK" *slam* *frantic footsteps* - :ftlmantis:

"Hello, sir, I'm here under the suspicision of shrooms." - :ftlmantis:
"Burn the officer!" - Squeaky

"I realized that today, I am in fact a moron." -:ftlmantis:
"I am here to support you and your decisions, that's what friends are for." -Bold

"Shooting someone you just met is not the right way to say hello." -Shmub

"I'm going to stretch to the end of the universe and nobody is going to stop me. :'(" - :ftlmantis:

"I nuked Earth so I could give birth to Mickey Mouse." - Squeaky

"This is a space gun, not an old people gun!!" - Hurley

"Lookit this SICK stunt lookaitlookaithis SICK friggin SICK stuff this SICK is so SICK I can't even lookit this SICK. You see this SICK, aw lookit that friggin SICK." - :ftlmantis:


"We're busy fantisizing about the thought of you getting shot." - :ftlmantis:

"I just punched a pizza... I need some help." - Sherbert.

"Arright, so we got three tubs of play-doh, a he man figure, and a chocolate fountain." - :ftlmantis:

"Guys... guys, come down for a second... we've buried the toilet." - Squeaky

"You can buy friends; they're called prostitutes." - Glerk

"It all makes sense now, Mrs. Claus is a dragqueen." - :ftlmantis:

"You know what's good about the pompadour? It's aerodynamic!" - Squeaky

"Look guys! I'm lighter than gravity!" - :ftlmantis:

"Doom guy! Noooo!" - Hurley

"It's Guts Man! I'd recognize his butt from anywhere!" - Squeaky

"Why couldn't you put the fire out?" - Squeaky

"Sucks, doesn't it?" - Squeaky

"See, there's a silver lining to all this, we discovered we like milk!" - :ftlmantis:

"I'll show you what a REAL mafioso looks like!" - :ftlmantis:

"Aha! You thought you could get past me FAKE MEEPER!?" - Hurley
"THAT'S THE REAL ME! The fake one's over there," - :ftlmantis:

"Hey guys, I found a structure- IT'S FULL OF MONEY!!" - :ftlmantis:

"Have you ever even TRIED aiming with a PIANO?" - :ftlmantis:

"That's not a wizard, that's a gay cowboy." - Hurley

"No man who looks that concerned can have any hair on his head." - :ftlmantis:

"I'm like a lame super villian." - :steamsalty: :ftlmantis:
"I'll get you next time, Racing Shogun!" - Squeaky

"It's fine." - Hurley

"I'm just here trying to ask you how many critters you have stored in your lungs, and here you are swearing at me!" - :ftlmantis:

"Well, your mom isn't here so that means you're the worst." - Sherbert

"Aw maaan, I'm all GOOPY~ now!" - Hurley

"Ogres don't have legs." - Hurley

My Epiphany about the whole world is that Hurley's scumbaggy life is better than mine in every aspect and that mine sucks and I'll never be the coolest moolest guy.

"We're the lamest people ever." -Hurley
Recent Activity
62 hrs on record
last played on 12 Mar
294 hrs on record
last played on 10 Mar
2.3 hrs on record
last played on 9 Mar
Steelo_To_Ortus 24 Jan @ 1:01am 
Goodluck climbing to S! May you and CLOWN 3 be invincible
SpaceKowgirl 9 Jan @ 2:31pm 
that was a good match! nice ac!
Beard Potato 7 Jan @ 4:01pm 
Slow, Slow, Quick-Quick Slow. that was cool Step!
No Thanks I'm From Massachusetts 3 Nov, 2023 @ 2:20am 
Miriam666 1 Nov, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
No Thanks I'm From Massachusetts 3 Oct, 2020 @ 4:14am 
That one day, every person in this nation will control their own destiny! A land of the truly free, dammit! A nation of action, not words -- ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around! Where power and justice are back where they belong, in the hands of the people! Where every man is free- to think, to act- for himself! ♥♥♥♥ all these limp-♥♥♥♥ lawyers, and these chickenshit bureaucrats! ♥♥♥♥ this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! ♥♥♥♥ American Pride -- ♥♥♥♥ the media -- ♥♥♥♥ all of it! America is diseased -- rotten to the core...there's no saving it... We need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean -- burn it down! And from the ashes a new America will be born! Evolved but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive; free to live as they see fit! They'll make America great again!